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The Childhood, Law & Policy Network (CLPN)

Dr Giuseppe Bolotta


Assistant Professor of Southeast Asian Studies, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy



Giuseppe Bolotta is Assistant Professor of Southeast Asian Studies in the Department of Asian and North African Studies at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, in Italy, and Research Associate of the National University of Singapore’s Asia Research Institute. His research interests focus on the history and cultural politics of childhood and youth in Thailand; development, religion, and humanitarianism in Southeast Asia; transnational governance of childhood; and the politics of children’s rights in the Global South. He is the author of Belittled Citizens: The Cultural Politics of Childhood on Bangkok’s Margins (NIAS Press, 2021).



Bolotta, G. (2021), Belittled Citizens: The Cultural Politics of Childhood on Bangkok’s Margins, Copenhagen: NIAS Press.

Bolotta, G., Devine, D. (2021). Contested Futures: The ‘Humanitarian value’ of Childhood in Rural Sierra Leone. Current Sociology. DOI:

Bolotta, G. (2019), ‘Making Sense of (Humanitarian) Emotions in an Ethnography of Vulnerable Childhood: The Case of Bangkok Slum Children’, in Thomas Stodulka, Samia Dinkelaker and Ferdiansyah Thajib (eds.), Affective Dimensions of Fieldwork and Ethnography, New York: Springer, 29-48.

Bolotta, G. and Vignato. S. (eds.) (2017). ‘Independent Children and their Fields of Relatedness’ (Special Focus), Antropologia 4 (2): 7-23.

Bolotta, G., Boone, D., Chicarro, G., Collomb, N. Dussy, D. and Sarcinelli, A.S. (eds.) (2017). À quelle discipline appartiennent les enfants? Croisements, échanges et reconfigurations de la recherche autour de l’enfance” [Which Discipline Do Children Belong to? Crossroads in Research on Childhood], Marseilles: Les Éditions La Discussion.

Bolotta, G. (2017). ‘Playing the NGO System: How Mothers and Children Design Political Change in the Slums of Bangkok’, in Silvia Vignato (ed.), Dreams of Prosperity: Inequality and Integration in Southeast Asia, Chiang Mai: Silkworm, pp. 203-234.


Anthropology, kinship, children's rights, self-formation, Thailand
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