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CHILL (Children’s Health in London and Luton)

Study update

After five years, the data collection phase of the CHILL study will be coming to an end in July 2023. We are delighted to have seen over 1300 children across primary and secondary schools in London and Luton.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we extended the study to continue following our participants through to secondary school. It has been fantastic to see the children’s continued interest and engagement with the study as they have grown up – in some cases, even into their teenage years.

Our Centre of the Cell team has continued to host workshops with primary and secondary school classes, engaging children in the science of air pollution and encouraging creative problem solving to develop innovative strategies to reduce air pollution.

We are now entering the analysis phase of the project and we hope to share our findings soon. Our final study reports will be accessible through the Publications tab.

The CHILL study has been a huge undertaking and we could not have done it without the support and enthusiasm of our partner schools. We look forward to continued partnership with our participants, schools, and multi-site teams as we embark on the last phase of the CHILL project!

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