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Languages, Linguistics and Film

New paper published in PNAS by Prof. David Adger and Jennifer Culbertson

We are very pleased to congratulate Professor David Adger and Jennifer Culbertson on their article "Language Learners Privilege Structured Meaning Over Surface Frequency"


We are very pleased to congratulateProfessor David Adger and Jennifer Culbertson on their article "Language Learners Privilege Structured Meaning Over Surface Frequency" published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) this month. In this article they show that English speakers transfer structure-based rather than surface-based knowledge of English to a new language they are learning.

To view an abstract and the online publication, please click here.

The paper has featured on discussions in The New Scientist and on the Conversation.

Listen to a radio interview David Adger did on the Australian Broadcasting a Corporation show available as a podcast here.



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