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School of History

Externally Funded Projects

Our School of History is uniquely successful in securing research funding from a variety of sources in support of our research in projects large and small. Our success arises from the great deal of informed effort we invest in the process of conceiving, developing, communicating and amplifying a historian’s original idea. All our projects are conceived as communicating with diverse audiences: first and foremost, our colleagues and peers in humanities scholarship, but also a broader interested public, in particular institutions of state and civil society with whom insight into the human past can be shared in promotion of better understanding. Our research projects often generate support for research assistants, who become integrated into our School, and for activities such as workshops, conferences, or exhibitions.

All applications for research funding are coordinated by our Director of Research Funding, Dr Andrew Mendelsohn, and School Research Manager Sarah Saines. We provide guidance on suitable funders and schemes, provide feedback on draft applications and support colleagues through developing research budgets. Applications to European funding schemes are also expertly supported by a dedicated team with expertise in that area.’

Workshops are sometimes organised for the discussion and development of ideas for funded research projects. And when schemes require an interview as part of the selection process, colleagues generously participate in ‘mock’ interviews too. Where projects are associated with research centres, much generation of the project occurs in that supportive environment.

Current funded projects

Our externally-funded postdoctoral award-holders are listed here.

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