Dr Isaac AbrahamsHead of Chemistry | Senior Lecturer, CChem, FRSCEmail: i.abrahams@qmul.ac.ukTelephone: +44 (0)20 7882 3235Room Number: Joseph Priestley building, room 1.12Website: https://www.seresearch.qmul.ac.uk/ccr/people/iabrahams/TeachingResearchSupervisionUndergraduate TeachingDr Isaac Abrahams is the module organiser for: Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry (CHE203) Advanced Practical Chemistry 1 (CHE301) He teaches on: Essential Skills for Chemists (CHE100) Postgraduate Teaching Topics in Inorganic Chemistry (CHE303U) ResearchResearch Interests:See Isaac Abrahams’s research profile pages including details of research interests, publications, and live grants.SupervisionCurrent PhD opportunity Development and characterization of new energy materials PhD supervision Xuankai Huang Peng Ren Martina Romio Yajun Yue