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Exclusive careers support for LLM and MSc Students

At CCLS you will have access to careers support tailored specifically for LLM and MSc students, in addition to the general support provided by Queen Mary’s Careers and Enterprise team.

Student on the phone walking out of Holborn tube stationWe want you to have the edge when you complete your programme and move to the next stage of your career. You can take advantage of the range of opportunities to understand what it takes to get into, and succeed in, the broad range of careers your LLM or MSc prepares you for: consulting, banking, in-house law – to name a few – plus the better-known routes of becoming a barrister or solicitor in England and Wales. You’ll have opportunities to understand the international careers available to you, and how to navigate applications for work in the UK or in other parts of the world.

Opportunities to hone key professional skills are open to you too. These are tailored to LLM and MSc students’ needs and they prepare you for the range of career opportunities our programmes set you up for, inside and outside of the legal sector.

You will meet with the whole careers team as part of your induction. This is your opportunity to understand what we can do for you and it is our opportunity to get to know you and your career goals.

Your dedicated LLM and MSc careers support is both as broad and as specialised as our range of LLM and MSc programmes. We've developed this tailored career provision so you are equipped to walk through the doors of opportunity that our LLM and MScs unlock for you.

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