Institute of Health Sciences Education - Barts and The London

MOSS seminars 2018/19

Seminars generally take place on the third Thursday of the month
1-2pm, 2.07 Garrod Building, Turner Street, Whitechapel, London E1 2AD

Thurs 21 Mar 2019, 1pm

Harvey Wells, IHSE

Topic Variety is the SPiCE of education: Reflections on the Student Partners in Clinical Education Conference

Thurs 16 May 2019, 1pm [Room 1.29]

Rachel Ashworth, IHSE

Integration of science into the medical curriculum: what can we learn from the experiences of individuals?

Integration can be defined as “mixing practice with knowledge” and this approach has been influential in the development of the spiral/integrated curriculum currently adopted in many UK medical schools. Integrated methods, such as the presentation of science knowledge in a clinical setting, has been shown to enhance student engagement and facilitate preparation for practice. Thus increasingly, biomedical knowledge, which provides an important framework for clinical reasoning, is taught within the context of clinical information (e.g. problem-based learning, PBL). Faculty are key drivers in the implementation of integration within the curriculum and therefore need to feel included and involved in developments. There is the danger that ignoring groups of staff may lead to disengagement and impede progress. Using qualitative research methods, interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA), my project aims to explore the experiences of academic staff that teach physiology within the medical curriculum. 

Thurs 20 Jun 2019, 1pm

Helen Bintley, IHSE

Bringing LGBTQ+ voices into curriculum: A medical education perspective

LGBTQ+ identifying patients experience discrimination in healthcare and this appears to be related to healthcare professionals’ attitudes, knowledge and experiences as well as medical curricular. There is however little consideration of the role of medical education professionals in this relationship. Therefore here, the author turns the spotlight onto to teachers and curriculum developers to consider how we as a profession think about LGBTQ+ identity and the impact this has on the curriculum we produce in medicine. Approaching the problem from a post-structural and queer perspective the author uses feminist post-structural discourse analysis (FPDA) to analyse multi-task focus groups of medical education professionals in one institution in the UK.

Wed 17 July 2019, 1pm [NB Wednesday]

Will Spiring, IHSE

The experience of medical students situated in practices with GP registrars as near-peer teachers


Thurs 15 Nov 2018

Kori LaDonna, University of Ottawa, Department of Innovation in Medical Education and Department of Medicine and Assistant Professor

Exploring physicians’ resistance to resilience training

LaDonna will share and seek feedback about preliminary findings from an in-progress study exploring physicians’ perspectives about resilience/physician wellness initiatives.

Further dates to be announced soon.

Further enquiries