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5th Cancer Stem Cell Symposium

2 November 2010

Time: 9:00am - 5:30pm
Venue: Derek Willoughby Lecture Theatre, John Vane Science Centre, Charterhouse Square

The fifth in a series of annual meetings with guest speakers from around the world discussing ongoing developments in stem cell biology related to cancer. The meeting provides comprehensive updates on a range of cancer stem cell topics, reports recent research, and provides opportunities to network with colleagues who have active research interests in stem cells and cancer.

Speakers: John Stingl (Cancer Research UK, Cambridge Research Institute), Anne Collins(University of York), Malcolm Alison (Barts and The London), Rob Clarke (University of Manchester), Graham Neill (Barts and The London), Owen Sansom (Beatson Institute for Cancer Research), Silvia Marino (Barts and The London), Neil Harrison (University of Sheffield), Phil Jones (MRC Cancer Cell Unit), Adrian Biddle (Barts and The London), Brian Huntly (University of Cambridge), Gillian Farnie (University of Manchester), Stephanie Alexander (Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre)

For a map and directions to this venue please click here

To register for this event please contact Brenda Bell on 0207 882 2333 or

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