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The Childhood, Law & Policy Network (CLPN)

Dr Alice Sophie Sarcinelli

Alice Sophie

Assistant professor, Université Paris Cité, Cerlis, France



Anthropologist, I am specialized in the field of childhood and familyhood in Europe. My PhD thesis under the direction of Didier Fassin was awarded the Richelieu Solennel Prize of the Chancellery of Paris in 2015. The ongoing project Lesbians and Their Kids at Court (LeMoKiaC) investigates the extent to which children’s voices are listened to by mothers and by professionals within the procedures for the legal recognition of French and Italian intended mothers in lesbian-headed households. My current research project is on the legal recognition of social and genetic filiation ties in Bahia, Brazil.



2021 Sarcinelli A.S., Des gamins hors-de-l’enfance. L’enfance rom entre protection et exclusion, Paris, Éditions des Archives Contemporaines. Special Issue with C.S.Guerzoni), « Kinning and De-Kinning: Rethinking Kinship Relatedness from its Edges », Antropologia, 6, 2, 2019. 3. « Le(s) répertoire(s) de la parenté des enfants des couples de même sexe en Italie », AnthropoChildren, 9, 2019-2020 Varia Issue.


Children and kinship; legal kinship; children's rights; minorities; Euro-American families
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