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The William Harvey Research Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Professor Chris Thiemermann honoured for his contributions to science

In October 2018, Chris Thiemermann, Professor of Pharmacology and Centre Lead for Translational Medicine & Therapeutics at the William Harvey Research Institute, received the prestigious Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award.

Prof Chris Thiemerman with Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award

Professor Chris Thiemmerman (Translational Medicine and Therapeutics)

Established in 1898, the family of Marquis Who's Who publications present detailed biographical information about contemporary leaders and achievers from around the world, and from every significant field of endeavour. The prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award is recognition that an individual has achieved a very high level of accomplishments, visibility and prominence in their field. Professor Thiemermann has received this award in recognition of his global contributions as Scientist/ Educator and Business Leader.

As a leading scientist and clinician, Professor Thiemermann has a strong research track record in cardiovascular disease (acute medicine, renal disease, shock) with specific expertise in target discovery, pharmacology and translational medicine. Since 2007 he has been Centre Lead for Translational Medicine at the William Harvey Research Institute and Deputy Director of the Barts Centre for Diabetic Kidney Disease since 2015. Recent successes have been phase II Randomised Control Trials evaluating the effects of pentoxiphylline in patients with chronic kidney disease (on dialysis) and the repositioning of the antimalarial drug artesunate for patients with severe haemorrhage and organ failure.

Professor Thiemermann said about his award: "I am of course delighted to have received this international recognition, from a publication with such global reach and influence. Ultimately for me, my proudest moments are when I can translate science into therapies that can make a real difference to patient's lives, bringing discoveries from bench to bedside. For example, in preclinical trials on rats who experienced trauma haemorrhage, we found that artesunate helped protect their organs from damage. In the TOP-ART trial, we are testing whether this discovery can be translated to humans. A therapeutic agent that reduces the incidence and severity of multiple organ failure could have a major global impact on trauma patient outcomes".

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