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School of Law

Meet the Practitioners: What is the potential impact of the UN Global Compact for Refugees on UK asylum law and practice?

When: Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Where: Online

Queen Mary School of Law logo and Kingsley Napley LLP logo stacked on top of each otherJoint Queen Mary University of London, School of Law, Immigration LLM and Kingsley Napley Seminar Series 2021-2022:

Meet the Practitioners: 5 Conversations between Key Practitioners in Borders, Immigration and Asylum Law and Practice from a UK Perspective

This evening seminar series is sponsored by the Queen Mary Immigration LLM and Kingsley Napley LLP. It is designed to provide an opportunity to listen and contribute to structured conversations among practitioners in the field of borders, immigration and asylum law in the UK and internationally on key issues. The content and impact of the Nationality and Borders Bill 2021 where relevant will be taken into account. This series is designed for advanced law students, academics, policy makers and practitioners who are interested in the development of migration and asylum law and constitute a new stage in the cooperation between the QMUL Immigration LLM and Kingsley Napley.

What is the potential impact of the UN Global Compact for Refugees on UK asylum law and practice? A conversation between Adrian Berry, Garden Court Chambers and Dr Madeline Garlick, Chief of Protection Policy and Legal Advice, UNHCR. Chair: Professor Elspeth Guild.

In 2018, the UK Government enthusiastically endorsed the UN’s latest instrument to achieve better protection of refugees – the Global Compact for Refugees. In Parliament the relevant minister at the time confirmed the UK Government’s commitment to the new Compact and in the regional review of the Compact in November 2020 submitted a detailed review of measures which the UK is taking to achieve the goals of the Compact. This conversation between Berry and Garlick will focus on the how best the UK can live up to its Compact commitments in light of the Nationality and Borders Bill.

**Please note this will be taking place online and that joining instructions will be sent on the day.

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