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Centre for Law and Society in a Global Context

Professor Hans Lindahl’s monograph, Authority and the Globalisation of Inclusion and Exclusion, is due to be published


Prof. Hans Lindahl’s monograph, Authority and the Globalisation of Inclusion and Exclusion, is due to be published by Cambridge University Press at the beginning of September, 2018.

Whereas the notion of the global seems to hold promise of an all-inclusive legal order, law that holds everywhere, at all times, and for everyone, Lindahl argues that no global or globalizing legal order is possible that can include without excluding: humanity is, and will remain, inside and outside all conceivable emergent global legal orders. Why is this the case? Is there a robust sense of authority available to the process of drawing the boundaries that include in and exclude from legal orders, global or otherwise?

These questions open up a wide domain of enquiry that demands integrating jurisprudential, doctrinal, and sociological approaches.

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