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Michael Larrick

Michael Larrick (Comparative and International Dispute Resolution LLM, 2020) explains why he decided to join the Chapter Committee.


Michael Larrick North America ChapterWhy did you decide to get involved with the CCLS North America Chapter?

I most fondly remember the collaborative spirit at CCLS, working across legal disciplines with people from around the globe, through programmes like qLegal and moot courts. CCLS was a formative experience in that regard, one that has inspired and propelled me in my legal career. I want to help develop a platform for alumni in North America to stay in touch with CCLS and each other, continuing this collaborative experience. 

What do you think the importance of the North America Chapter is?

We all share a common bond around our experience at Lincoln's Inn Fields, and it is important that the community fostered at Queen Mary does not end when we leave London (or Paris). While we might now be across the Atlantic, we must continue to maintain the connections gained at CCLS, as well as making new ones to continue the spirit of learning and development that brought us to CCLS to begin with. 

How do you hope the Chapter will benefit alumni who join?

I hope the Chapter will serve as a valuable resource for graduates to share their experiences and continue to grow. A continued connection to Queen Mary and CCLS through the Chapter offers opportunities for mentorship, collaboration, or promotion of the accomplishments of our alumni. Through these experiences, we can continue to enhance our fellow alumni and ourselves. Coniunctis Viribus. 

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