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School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences

Professor Jeff Duckett


Emeritus Professor of Botany



Research Interests:

Jeffrey Duckett, Emeritus Professor of Botany, was the 2008 recipient of the Linnean Society medal for Botany and in 2007 was given the Richard Spruce Award by the International Association of Bryologists for outstanding research in bryology over 25 years. Elected as an honorary member of the British Bryological Society in 2005 and president of the International Association of Bryologists in 2009, he enjoys acclaim worldwide for his innovative research on cell biology, morphology, development, physiology and evolution of lower land plants (bryophytes and pteridophytes).

On retiring from QMUL in September 2009 he became a Scientific Associate in Life Sciences at the Natural History Museum, where he works closely with Dr Silvia Pressel. She was appointed to the Museum following a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship at QMUL.

The tenure of a Leverhulme Emeritus Fellowship (2011-2013): Fungal Symbioses and Stomatal Function and Evolution in Early Land Plants, enabling him to carry out research and collecting on 6 continents, has now resulted in over 20 peer -reviewed papers. He is a collaborator in major research council funded projects on fungal symbioses with Silvia Pressel, at the NHM, Dr Katie Field at Leeds and Dr Martin Bidartondo at Kew and Imperial College. Darwin Initiative funding saw the completion of a book on the Bryophytes of Ascension Island and led to joint UK/ Brazil projects on South Atlantic Oceanic Islands.

Ongoing Projects

The key innovations in land plants, specifically:

   1. The biology and evolution of fungal associations in liverworts, hornworts and pteridophytes.

   2.Structure, function and evolution of bryophyte stomata.

   3. Bryophyte water relations.

Bryophyte reproductive cycles.

London’s changing bryophyte flora.

Bryophytes of South Atlantic Islands.


  • Kowal J, Pressel S, Bidartondo M, Duckett JG, Field K. 2017. From rhizoids to roots? Experimental evidence of mutualism between liverworts and ascomycete fungi. Annals of Botany,121:221-227. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcx126

  • Pressel S, Clymo RS, Renzaglia KS, Duckett JG. 2018. Hornwort stomata do not respond actively to environmental and exogenous cues. For Annals of Botany

  • Duckett JG, Pressel S. The evolution of the stomatal apparatus: intercellular spaces and sporophyte water relations in bryophytes. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 373:20160498.

  • Duckett JG, Pressel S. 2017. The colorful phenology of five common terricolous mosses in London,England. Bryophyte Diversity and Evolution 39:44-56.

  • Hoysted GA, Kowal J, Jacob A,. Rimington WR,. Duckett JG, Pressel S, Orchard S, Ryan M, Field KJ, Bidartondo MI. A Mycorrhizal Revolution. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 44 : 1 - 6. doi: 10.1016/j.pbi.2017.12.004

  • Rankin AH, Pressel P, Duckett JG, Rimington W, Hawes I, Sumner D, AD Mackey TJ, Castendyck D, Schneider H, Anne. D. Jungblut AD. 2017 . Characterization of a deep-water moss from the perennially ice-covered Lake Vanda, Antarctica. Polar Biology. doi:10.1007/s00300-017-2127-y

  • Rimington WR, Pressel S, Field KS, Strullu-Derrien C, Duckett JG, Bidartondo MI. 2017. Reappraising the origins of mycorrhizas. In: F Martin (Ed) Molecular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis. Chapter 2, 21-32. John Wiley & Sons. 

  • Villarreal JC, Duckett JG, Pressel S. 2017. Morphology, ultrastructure and phylogenetic affinities of the single-island endemic Anthoceros cristatus Steph. (Ascension Island) . Journal of Bryology 39:226-234. DOI:10.1080/03736687.2017.1302153

  • Pressel S, Supple C, Matcham HW, Duckett JG. 2017. Field Guide and Bryophyte Flora of Ascension Island. Pisces Publications: Newbury, UK.

  • Duckett JG. 2017. Whale bones: the world’s most endangered bryophyte habitat. Field Bryology 118: 2-7.

  • Duckett JG. 2017. Mosses and liverworts of Exmoor. Exmoor-The Country Magazine.79:72-76.

  • Duckett JG. 2017. Paradise-not yet lost but losing its sense of direction. The Northern Line, the Newsletter of North London University of the Third Age. 64: 1-4.

  • Pressel S, Kowal J, Duckett JG. 2017. Re-finding Fossombronia foveolata at Thursley Common, Surrey. Field Bryology 118: 48.

  • Pressel S, Duckett JG. 2017. Bryophytes on remote islands – lessons from Ascension Island. Field Bryology 118: 28-29.

  • Field KS, Rimington WR, Bidartondo MI, Allinson KE, Beerling DJ, Cameron DD, Duckett JG, Leake JR, Pressel S. 2016. Functional analysis of liverworts in dual symbiosis with biotrophic Glomeromycota and saprotrophic Mucoromycotina fungi under a replicated Palaeozoic CO2 decline. The ISME Journal 10:1514-1526.

  • Gradstein R, Morales C, Negritto MA, Duckett JG. 2016. New records of liverworts and hornworts from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 37,463-475.

  • Kowal J, Pressel S, Duckett JG, Bidartondo MI.2016. Liverworts to the rescue: an investigation of their efficacy as mycorrhizal inoculum for vascular plants. Functional Ecology 30:1014-1023. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.12580

  • Mitchell RL, Cuadros J, Duckett JG, Edgecombe GD, Mavris C, Pressel S, Sykes D, Kenrick P. Mineral weathering and soil development in the earliest land-plant ecosystems. Geology. DOI:10.1130/G38449.1

  • Pressel S, Bidartondo MI, Field KJ, Rimington WR, Duckett JG. 2016. Pteridophyte fungal associations: current knowledge and future perspectives. Plant Systematics and Evolution. DOI:10.1111/jse.12227

  • Duckett JG, Pressel S.2016. Marchantia ruderalis on the move: a singularly ropey habitat. Field Bryology 116:72.

  • Duckett JG, Pressel S.2016. Not necessarily NOXious: blossoming bryophytes on London’s roadside trees. Field Bryology 115:100.

  • Mitchell RL, Cuadros J, Pressel S, Duckett JG, Mavris C, Najorka J, Edgecombe GD, Kenrick P. Leaving their mark:biologically-induced mineral weathering and soil development in ancient land-plant ecosystems. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 48.

  • Field KJ, Duckett JG, Cameron DD, Pressel S. 2015a. Stomatal density and aperture in non-vascular land plants are non-responsive to atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Annals of Botany 115: 915-922.   doi:10.1093/aob/mcv021

  • Field KS, Pressel S, Duckett JG, Rimington WR, Bidartondo MI.2015b. Symbiotic options for the conquest of land. Trends in Ecology and Evolution: Review article 30:477-486.DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2015.05.007

  • Renzaglia KS, Crandall-Stotler B, Pressel S, Duckett JG, Schuette S, Strother P. 2015. Permanent spore dyads are not 'a thing of the past': on their occurrence in the liverwort

  • Haplomitrium (Haplomitriopsida). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 179:658-669.

  • Ares A, Duckett JG, Pressel S. 2014 Asexual reproduction and protonemal development in vitro in Fontinalis antipyretica Hedw. Journal of Bryology 36: 122-133.

  • Field KS, Rimington WR, Bidartondo MI, Allinson KE, Beerling DJ, Cameron DD, Duckett JG, Leake JR, Pressel S. 2015. First evidence of mutualisms between ancient land plants and fungi of the Mucoromycotina and their responses to Palaeozoic changes in atmospheric CO2. New Phytologist 205;275-304.

  • Pressel S, Goral T & Duckett J G.2014. Stomatal differentiation and abnormal stomata in hornworts. Journal of Bryology 36:87-103.

  • Rimington WR, Pressel S, Duckett JG, I. Bidartondo MI. 2014. Fungal diversity in early vascular plants: reopening a closed book? New Phytologist DOI: 10.1111/nph.13221

  • Strullu-Derrien C, Kenrick P, Pressel S, Duckett JG, Rioult J-P & Strullu D-G. 2014. Mycorrhizas in Horneophyton lignieri from the Rhynie Chert, Scotland (ca - 407 Ma)  most closely resemble associations  in extant lycophytes, hornworts and early divergent divergent liverworts: a reappraisal of the nature of Palaeozoic fungal associations. New Phytologist 203: 964-979. DOI: 10.1111/nph.12805

  • Rimington WR, Duckett JG, Field KJ. 2014. There and back again: an eagerly awaited journey to a primitive paradise. Field Bryology 111: 32-41.

  • Pressel S. & Duckett JG. 2014. Bryological Blitz Part 2. Ascension Conservation Quarterly 46:16-19.

  • Pressel S, Matcham HW, Supple C, Duckett JG. 2014.Desert Island Delights: the Bryophytes of Ascension Island. Field Bryology 112:38-51.

  • Duckett JG 2014. British Bryological Society Annual Meeting and Conference,6-9 September 2013. Field Bryology 112:52-53.

  • Duckett JG. 2014. Alpine bryophytes of Mount Washington, New Hampshire, USA. Field Bryology 112:61-65.

  • Barclay RS, McElwain JC, Duckett JG, van Es MH, Mostaert AS, Pressel S & Sageman BB. New methods reveal oldest known fossil epiphyllous moss: Bryiidites utahensis gen. et sp.nov. American Journal of Botany 100:2450-2457.doi:10.3732/ajb.1300209

  • Desirò A, Duckett JG, Pressel S, Villarreal JC & Bidartondo MI. 2013. Fungal symbioses in hornworts: a chequered history. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280:

  • Duckett JG, Ligrone R, Renzaglia KS & Pressel S. 2013. Pegged and smooth rhizoids in complex thalloid liverworts (Marchantiophta): structure, function and evolution. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 174: 68-92. Doi:10.1111/boj.12121

  • Duckett JG & Slack NG. 2013. The first twenty first century record for the liverwort Haplomitrium hookeri in North Eastern North America with notes on its fungal endophyte and snowbed communities. Evansia 30:53-56. doi:

  • Pressel S. Duckett JG, Supple C. 2013. Bryological Blitz 2013. Ascension Conservation Quarterly 42:13-17.

  • Pressel S, Duckett JG, & Villarreal JC. 2013. Hornwort heaven. Field Bryology 110: 39-45.

  • Ligrone R, Duckett JG, Renzaglia KS. 2012. REVIEW: Major transitions in the evolution of land plants: a bryological perspective. Annals of Botany 109:851-871.

  • Ligrone R, Duckett JG, Renzaglia KS. 2012. VIEWPOINT: The origin of the sporophyte shoot in land plants: a bryological perspective. Annals of Botany110:935-941.

  • Guo C-Q, Edwards D, Wu P-C, Duckett J G, Hueber FM, Li C-S. Riccardiothallus devonicus gen. et sp. nov., the earliest simple thalloid liverwort from the Lower Devonian of Yunnan, China. Revue of Palaeobotany and Palynology 167-168:35-40.

  • Duckett JG. 2012. Mosses and Liverworts (bryophytes) of the Falkland Islands: the Expedition of January 2011. Wildlife Conservation in the Falkland Islands 16:12-14.

  • Pressel S, Duckett JG, Bidartondo MI. 2012.Liverwort fungal interactions; the dawn of mycotrophism. Field Bryology 107:38-39.

  • Duckett JG, Russell S, Upson R & Tangney R. 2012. Lower plants inventory and conservation in the Falkland Islands; bryophyte reconnaissance and collecting expedition. Field Bryology 106: 32-42.

  • Bidartondo, M.I., Read, D.J., Trappe, J.M., Merckx, Ligrone, R. & Duckett, J.G. (2011). The dawn of symbiosis between plants and fungi. Biology Letters Published online before print March 9, 2011, doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2010.1203

  • Duckett, J.G. (2011). Bryophyte inventory and conservation, Ascension Island. Ascension Conservation Quarterly 33: 5-7.

  • Pressel, S.,  P’ng, K.M.Y. & Duckett, J.G. (2011). An ultrastructual study of the liverwort Mizutania riccardioides Furuki et Iwaksuki: new insights into its systematic affinities and unique surface ornamentation. Bryologist 114:38-51.

  • Pressel, S. & Duckett, J.G. (2011). Bryophyte surfaces; new functional perspectives from cryo-scanning electron microscopy. Field Bryology  104: 50-53.

  • Duckett, J.G. (2011). Review of; Goffinet, B. and A. J. Shaw (editors) Bryophyte Biology, Second Edition. Cambridge University Press. 2009, pp. 565. Softback. ISBN 978-0-521-87225-6. Price £35.00. Journal of Bryology 33: 93-94.

  • Duckett, J.G. (2011). Review of; Haji Mohamed, Baki B. Bakar, Amru Nasrulhaq Boyce and Patrick Lee Kok Yuen (editors) Bryology in the new millenium. Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Malaya and International Association of Bryologists, Kuala Lumpur, 2008, pp.xxvi + 513, numerous line drawings, maps, half tones and colour plates. Softcover, 255 x 180mm. ISBN  978-967-5148-15-6. Price USD 60.00 softcover, USD 75.00 hardcover. Journal of Bryology  33:94-95.

  • Hooper, E.J., Duckett, J.G., Cuming, A.C., Kunin, W.E.  & Pressel, S. (2010) Ephemerella readeri Müll. Hal. (Physcomitrella readeri Müll. Hal.) I.G. Stone & G.A.M.Scott, Funariidae, Bryophyta: a genus and species new to Europe. Journal of Bryology 32:256-264.

  • Pressel, S.,  P’ng, K.M.Y. & Duckett, J.G.  (2010) Cryo-scanning electron microscope study of the water relations of the remarkable cell wall in the moss Rhacocarpus. Nova Hedwigia 91: 289-299.

  • Pressel, S., Bidartondo, M.I., Ligrone, R. & Duckett, J.G. (2010) Fungal symbioses in bryophytes: new insights in the twenty first century. Phytotaxa 9: 238-253.

  • Cao, J.-G., Wang, Q.-X., Dai, X.-L. & Duckett, J.G. (2010) Ultrastructural observations of oogenesis in the fern Adiantum flabellulatum L. (Adiantaceae). American Fern Journal 100: 93-102.

  • Bidartondo,  M.I. & Duckett, J.G. (2010) Conservative ecological and evolutionary patterns in liverwort-fungal symbioses. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 277: 485-492.

  • Duckett, J.G., Pressel, S., P’ng, K.M.Y.  & Renzaglia ,K.S. (2010) The Sphagnum air-gun mechanism resurrected? Not with a closer look. Commentary on  “The Sphagnum air-gun mechanism resurrected” by Sundberg, New Phytologist 185:886-889.

  • Duckett, J.G., Pressel, S., P’ng, K.M.Y., Renzaglia, K.S. & Pressel, S. (2010) The function and evolution of stomata in bryophytes. Field Bryology 101:38-40.

  • Pressel, S. & Duckett, J.G. (2010) Cytological insights into the desiccation biology of a model system: moss protonemata. New Phytologist 185: 944-963.

  • Duckett J.G., Pressel S., P’ng K.M.Y.  & Renzaglia K.S. (2009)  Exploding a myth; the capsule dehiscence mechanism and the  function of pseudostomata in  Sphagnum. New Phytologist 183:1053-1063

  • Pressel S., Ligrone R.,  Proctor M.C.F. & Duckett J.G. (2009) The cell biology and physiology of de- and rehydration in the desiccation-tolerant liverwort Southbya nigrella.  International Journal of Plant Science 170: 182-199.

  • Pressel S. & Duckett J.G. (2009) Studies of protonemal morphogenesis in mosses. XII. Ephemeropsis, the xenith of morphological differentiation. Journal of Bryology 31:67-75.

  • Duckett J.G. & Pressel S. (2009) London’s changing bryophyte flora. Field Bryology. 98:30-46.

  • Duckett, J.G. & Pressel, S. (2009) Extraordinary features of the reproductive biology of Marchantia at Thursley NNR. Field Bryology 97: 2- 11.

  • Duckett, J.G. (2009) Review of; J. J. Engel & D. Glenny.  A Flora of the Liverworts of New Zealand. Volume1. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, Missouri, 2008, pp. 897,177figs (line drawings), 16 colour plates, 3 maps. Hardback, 260 x 190mm.  ISBN978-1-930723-66-5 (Entire work) ISBN  978-1-930723-66-2 (Volume 1).  Libraryof Congress Control Number 2007934630. Price US $ 137, £ 95, 98 Euro. Journal of Bryology 31:64-65.

  • Duckett J.G. (2009) Epiphyllous and epifungal liverworts on Hampstead Heath. Field Bryology 95; 8-10. Reprinted in London Naturalist  88: 207-209.

  • Duckett, J. G. (2008). Epiphyllous and epifungal liverworts on Hampstead Heath. Field Bryology 95; 8-10.

  • Matcham, H.W., and Duckett, J.G. (2008). New national and regional bryophyte records, 18. Aloina brevirostris, Physcomitrium spathulatum var.spathulatum, Pterygoneuron ovatum, Vittia elimbata. Journal of Bryology 30; 161-167.

  • Duckett, J.G. Review of; W.A.Weber and R.C. Wittmann. 2007.Bryophytes of Colorado Mosses, Liverworts, and Hornworts. Pilgrims Process, Inc.Santa Fe, New Mexico. Journal of Bryology 30; 178.

  • Pressel, S., Ligrone, R., and Duckett, J.G. (2008). The differentiation of moss protonemata; a cytological and experimental study. Annals of Botany. 102; 227-245.

  • Pressel, S.., Ligrone, R., and Duckett, J.G. (2008). The ascomycete Rhizoscyphus ericae elicits a range of host responses in the rhizoids of leafy liverworts; an experimental and cytological analysis. Fieldiana. 47; 59-72. (Invited refereed contribution to celebrate the achievements of the distinguished American hepaticologist John Engel).

  • Duckett, J.G. (2008). Gathering moss at Boxhill.Invited commentary on the classic paper. Wallace, E.C.1955. The bryophytes of Boxhill. London Naturalist 34: 147-153. In Burgess M ( Ed.) London’s changing natural history. LNHS 1858-2008. Classic papers from 150 years of the London Natural History Society.Information Press;Oxford. pp 75-76.

  • Pressel, S., Davis, E.C., Ligrone, R., and Duckett, J.G. (2008). An ascomycetous endophyte induces branching and septation of the rhizoids in the leafy liverwort family the Schistochilaceae (Jungermanniidae, Hepaticopsida). American Journal of Botany 95; 531-541.

  • Duckett, J.G. and Ligrone, R. (2008). A cytological analysis of basidiomycetous endophytes in New Zealand Aneuraceae (simple thalloid liverworts, Metzgeriidae) ; confirmation of the derived status of Verdoornia. Canadian Journal of Botany 86; 346-358.

  • Duckett, J.G. and Ligrone, R. (2008). Endophytic liverworts in New Zealand liverworts. In: Engels J.J. and Glenny D. 2008. A Flora of the Liverworts of New Zealand. Volume I. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 110. pp 48-56.

  • Ligrone, R., Carafa, A., Duckett, J.G., Renzaglia, K.S. and Ruel, K. (2008). Immunocytochemical detection of lignin-related epitopes in cell walls in bryophytes and the charalean green alga Nitella. Plant Systematics and Evolution 270; 257-272.

  • Duckett, J.G., Matcham, H.W., and Pressel, S. (2008). Thursley Common National Nature Reserve: bryophyte recolonization one year after the great fire of July 2006. Field Bryology 94; 3-11.

  • Duckett, J.G. (2007). Review of; W. A. Weber and R.C. Wittmann: Bryophytes of Colorado Mosses, Liverworts, and Hornworts. Pilgrims Process, Inc.Santa Fe, New Mexico, pp 231.

  • Proctor, M.C.F., Ligrone, R. and Duckett, J.G. (2007). Desiccation tolerance in the moss Polytrichum formosum: physiological and fine-structural changes during desiccation and recovery. Annals of Botany 99; 75-93. (Also see ‘content select’ by J A Bryant;- ‘Rapid responses rule out repair’)

  • Rowntree, J.K., Duckett, J.G., Mortimer, C.L., Ramsay, M. and Pressel, S. (2007). Formation of specialized propagules resistant to desiccation and cryopreservation in the threatened moss Ditrichum plumbicola Crundw. (Ditrichales,Bryopsida). Annals of Botany 100; 483-496.

  • Renzaglia, K.S., Duff, R.J., Ligrone, R., Shaw, J., Mishler, B.D. and Duckett, J.G. (2007). Bryophyte phylogeny: advancing the molecular and morphological frontiers. Bryologist 110; 179-213.

  • Matcham, H.W., Pressel, S., Russell, S. Massardo, F. and Duckett, J.G. (2007). Inventory and conservation of the bryoflora of south-western Patagonia. Field Bryology 93; 2-8.

  • Ligrone, R., Carafa, A., Bonfante, P., Biancotto, V. and Duckett, J.G. (2007). Glomeromycotean associations in liverworts: a molecular, cytological and taxonomical survey. American Journal of Botany 94; 1756-1777.

  • Pressel, S., Matcham H. W. and Duckett, J.G. (2007). Studies of protonemal morphogenesis in mosses. XI. Bryum and related genera; a plethora of propagules. Journal of Bryology 29; 241-258.

  • Duckett, J.G., Carafa, A. and Ligrone, R. (2006). A highly differentiated glomeromycotean association with the mucilage-secreting, primitive antipodean liverwort Treubia: clues to the origins of mycorrhizas. American Journal of Botany 93; 797-813.

  • Duckett, J.G. Russell, J. and Ligrone, R. (2006). Basidiomycetous endophytes in jungermannialean ( leafy ) liverworts have novel cytology and species-specific host ranges: a cytological and experimental study. Canadian Journal of Botany 84; 1075-1093.

  • Duckett, J.G.& Ligrone, R.(2006). Cyathodium Kunze, (Cyathodiaceae,Marchantiales), a tropical liverwort genus and family new to Europe,in Southern Italy. Journal of Bryology 28; 88-96.

  • Duckett, J.G. and Ligrone, R.(2006). Novel features of the plastids in some deep-shade antipodean thalloid liverworts. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 27; 75-83. [Invited refereed contribution to celebrate the achievemants of the distinguished French hepaticoligist Helene Bischler].

  • Duckett, J.G., Pressel, S. and Ligrone, R. (2006). Cornish bryophytes in the Atlantic Arc: cell biology, culturing, conservation and climate change. In: SJ Leach, CN Page,Y Peytoureau and MN Sanford (Eds) Botanical Links in the Atlantic Arc. English Nature and the Botanical Society of the British Isles,Conference Report 24. pp 165-177.

  • Pressel, S., Ligrone, R. and Duckett, J.G.(2006). Effects of de- and rehydration on food-conducting cells in the moss Polytrichum formosum Hedw. : a cytological study. Annals of Botany. 98; 67-76.

  • Pressel, S. and Duckett, J.G.(2006). The parasitic ascomycete Mniaecia jungermanniae (Nees ex Fr.) Boud. induces the formation of giant perichaetia and apogamous sporophytes in leafy liverworts. Canadian Journal of Botany. 84; 384-392.

  • Rothero, G.M., Duckett, J.G. and Pressel, S. (2006). Active conservation augmenting the only British population of Bryum schleicheri var. latifolium via in vitro cultivation. Field Bryology 90; 12-16.

  • Duckett, J.G. (2006). Bryophyte phylogeny: where we were five years ago, where we are now and where we want to be. Field Bryology 89; 14-16.(Abstract).

  • Pressel, S., Duckett, J.G. and Rowntree, J. (2006). In vitro cultivation:its contributions to bryophyte ecology. Field Bryology 90; 48.(Abstract).

  • Duckett, J.G. and Ligrone, R.A. (2005) A comparative cytological analysis of fungal endophtes in the sprorophyte rhizomes and vascularized gametophtes of Tmesipteris and Psilotum. Canadian Journal of Botany 83, 1443-1456.

  • Carafa, A., Duckett, J.G., Knox, J.P. and Ligrone, R. (2005) Distribution of xylans in bryophytes and tracheophytes: new insights into basal interrelationships of land plants. New Phytologist 168; 231-240.

  • Pressel, S. and Duckett, J.G. (2005) Studies of protonemal morphogenesis in mosses. X. Ephemeraceae revisited; new dimensions underground. Journal of Bryology 27; 311-318.

  • Martinez-Abigair, J., Nunez-Olivera, J., Matcham, H.W. and Duckett, J.G. (2005) Interactions between parasitic fungi and mosses: Pegged and swollen-tipped rhizoids in Bryum and Funaria. Journal of Bryology 27; 47-53.

  • Duckett, J.G., Fletcher, R., Matcham, H.W., Read, J.T., Russell, A.J. and Pressel, S. (2004) In vitro cultivation of bryophytes; practicalities, progress, problems and promise. Journal of Bryology 26; 3-20.

  • Duckett, J.G. and Roper, P. (2004) Reports of local meetings. Brede High Woods[v.-c.14]:hornworts and a hornet. Field Bryology 83, 30-31.

  • Pressel, S. and Duckett, J.G. (2004) In vitro culturing of rare bryophytes. Field Bryology, Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 82; 34-37.

  • Duckett, J.G. and Ligron,e R. (2004) There are many ways of making water-conducting cells but what about stomata? Field Bryology, Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 82; 32-33.

  • Duckett, J.G. (2004) Field Bryology. The Annual General Meeting of the British Bryological Society, QMUL, September 2003. Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 82; 31-45.

  • Duckett, J.G. and Perry, A.R. (2004) Eustace Wilkinson Jones (1909-1992) a bibliographic portrait. In Eustace Jones’ Hepatic Flora of West Africa (M. Wiggington et al. eds). Meise, National Botanic Garden of Belgium.

  • Ligrone, R. and Duckett, J.G. (2004) Unraveling homology: New insights from immunocytochemistry and physiology on the multiple evolution of water-conducting cells in Bryophytes. XV International Association of Bryologists, World Congress. Centro Jardin Botanico de Mérida, Venezuela.

  • Pressel, S., Ligrone, R. and Duckett, J.G. (2004) What happens to food-conducting cells in mosses during de-and rehydration? Abstracts XV International Association of Bryologists, World Congress. Centro Jardin Botanico de Mérida, Venezuela.

  • Proctor, M.C.F., Ligrone, R. and Duckett, J.G. (2004) De- and rehydration in Polytrichum: a long overdue reconciliation of physiological and cytological data. Abstracts XV International Association of Bryologists, World Congress. Centro Jardin Botanico de Mérida, Venezuela.

  • Duckett J.G. and Ligrone R. (2004) Do the distributions of endophytic fungi accord with molecular phylogenies of the Hepaticae? Abstracts XV International Association of Bryologists, World Congress. Centro Jardin Botanico de Mérida, Venezuela.

  • Pressel, S. and Duckett, J.G. (2004) Protonemata and moss systematics: an update. Abstracts XV International Association of Bryologists, World Congress. Centro Jardin Botanico de Mérida, Venezuela.

  • Pressel, S. and Duckett, J.G. (2004) The applications of In-vitro cultivation to the conservation ecology of rare and endangered bryophytes. Abstracts XV International Association of Bryologists, World Congress. Centro Jardin Botanico de Mérida, Venezuela.

  • Edwards, D., Axe, L. and Duckett, J.G. (2003) Diversity in conducting cells in early land plants and comparisons with extant bryophytes. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 141; 297-347.

  • Duckett, J.G. (2003) Obituary, John Richard Gallon 1944-2003. New Phytologist 160; 458-459.

  • Duckett, J.G. and Ligrone, R. (2003) Selection and serendipity in the southern hemisphere or what we couldn’t have done if we’d stayed in Europe. Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 80; 19-21.

  • Duckett, J.G. and Pressel, S. (2003) Studies of protonemal morphogenesis in mosses 1X. Discelium nudum: exquisite adaptation to unstable clay banks. Journal of Bryology 25; 241-246.

  • Ligrone, R., Carafa, A. and Duckett, J.G. (2003) Subterranean gametophytic axes in the primitive liverwort Haplomitrium harbour a unique type of endophytic association with aseptate zygomycetous fungi: an ultrastructural study. New Phytologist 160; 185-197.

  • Carafa, A., Duckett, J.G. and Ligrone, R. (2003) The placenta Monoclea forsteri Hook. And Treubia lacunosa (colenso) Prosk: insights into placental evolution in liverworts. Annals of Botany 92; 299-307.

  • Duckett, J.G. and Ligrone, R. (2003) The structure and development of haustorial placentas in leptosporangiate ferns; a clear-cut distinction between euphyllophytes and lycophytes. Annals of Botany 95; 513-521.

  • Matcham, H.W. and Duckett,, J.G. (2003) Two mosses new to the Republic of South Africa and the moss Neckera valentiniana Besch. New to the Kingdom of Lesotho. Tropical Bryology 24; 5-6.

  • Ligrone, R., Vaughn, K.C., Renzaglia, K.S., Knox, J.P. and Duckett, J.G. (2002) Diversity in the distribution of polysaccharide and glycoprotein epitopes in the cell walls of bryophytes: new evidence for the multiple evolution of water-conducting cells. New Phytologist 156; 491-508.

  • Renzaglia, K.S., Dengate, S.B., Schmidt, S.J. and Duckett, J.G. (2002) Novel features of Equisetum arvense spermatozoids: insights into pteridophyte evolution. New Phytologist 154; 159-174.

  • Duckett, J.G. (2002) Reports of local meetings. South-East Group Lydden Down, East Kent, 17 March 2002.

  • Duckett, J.G. (2001) Introduction. In British Red Data Books (Eds J. M. Church, N. G. Hodgetts, C. D. Preston & N. F. Stewart). Joint Nature Conservancy Council, pp 6-7.

  • Duckett, J.G. (2001) Reports of local meetings. South-East Group. Dungeness (VC15) 8 October 2000. Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 76; 35-36.

  • Duckett, J.G., Goode, J.A. and Matcham, H.W. (2001) Studies of protonemal morphogenesis in mosses VIII. The gemmiferous protonemata of Dicranoweisia and Orthodontium. Journal of Bryology 23; 181-194.

  • Peters, S.E., English, K., Rana, A., Akter, S., Warburton, N.C. and Duckett, J.G. (2001) Synaptonemal complexes in the pre-cyst of Pheumocystis carinii sp.f. carinii. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 134S.

  • Duckett, J.G. and Ligrone, R. (2001) The cytology of bryophyte-cyanobacterial associations. Phycologist 58; 25.

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