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New book uses science to reveal secrets to finding love in a digital world

Scientists have compiled their analysis on how to find success in the world of online dating into a new book released this week. The book is the first of its kind to be based on robust studies of human behaviour.

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Clueless, Dateless, Loveless: There is No Catch; Find Your Perfect Match’, is co-written by Professor Khalid Khan of Queen Mary University of London and Professor Sameer Chaudhry of the University of Texas. The book builds on research published last year in the British medical journal Evidence Based Medicine.

The original research analysed nearly 100 published studies on the art of attraction and persuasion, in fields such as psychology, sociology, and computer, behavioural, and neurocognitive science.  

The findings were pooled and analysed to reveal the most effective approaches when trying to find love online – from what to write in your online profile, to making contact with a potential love interest. This analysis was updated and extended into a practical, jargon-free guide book, aimed at both genders.

Professor Khalid Khan from Queen Mary University of London said: “We embarked on this research because we were genuinely curious about what the science would say about online dating. We know our brains are designed to subconsciously respond to particular information or situations, but we wanted to dig a bit deeper and come up with practical advice.

“Much of what we explain in our book is obvious, but in a nuanced way. Pay compliments – but don’t go overboard. Put yourself in a good light – but don’t paint yourself as perfect. Do reveal personal information – but don’t write too much or give too much detail away. And some age-old myths are dispelled, for example, you should respond promptly to a message. The evidence shows eagerness is not a turn-off!”

Professor Sameer Chaudhry from the University of Texas said: “We are overwhelmed with options when it comes to online dating and this can be a hindrance to finding love. And whilst there’s no shortage of people giving out online dating advice, we found there was a real lack of evidence to back up one approach over another. Most advice was based on anecdotal and personal experience.

“Our book offers practical, simple and effective tips to finding love online – and the fact it’s based on science makes it unique.”

More information

  • 'Clueless, Dateless, Loveless: There is no catch; just find your perfect match' by Sameer Chaudhry (Author), Khalid Khan (Author), Felicia Hansel (Illustrator), Trevor Kobrin (Photographer). Available on Amazon.
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