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Work Package 3

WP3: Pro-Resolving Receptors

(WP Leader: LMU)

Alongside harnessing the biology and mechanisms activated by specific protective mediators, therapeutic innovation could be derived through the identification of new targets. This WP will base its deliverables on innovative biochemistry and computer modelling on novel druggable receptors. The latter entails the harnessing of the Resolution of Inflammation concept to provide new modes of intervention in atherosclerosis and diabetic nephropathy. Drugs targeting G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) represent a significant proportion of current Pharmacopeia.

Innovation here derives from the development and testing of agonists at specific GPCRs. In addition, the crucial issue of targeting will be explored as to design better and selective medicines of the future, hence reducing the burden of side effects due to unwanted non-selective tissue drug delivery. This work can determine the functionality of synthetic or semi-synthetic Nanomedicines.

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