Dr Adrian Biddle wins PGR Supervisor of the Year award
Congratulations to Dr Adrian Biddle on winning Queen Mary Students' Union's (QMSU) PGR Supervisor of the Year award at this year's Education Awards.

Dr Adrian Biddle (right) with lab group
This award is for a supervisor who has gone above and beyond to offer outstanding support to one or more postgraduate research students. The results were announced at the Education Awards event on Tuesday 2 May.
Some highlights from Adrian's nomination are:
- "He is very enthusiastic and knowledgeable about cancer stem cell research and 3D in vitro models"
- "As a supervisor he provides the necessary guidance but also encourages students to problem solve"
- "Adrian is extremely supportive, always encourages his students to share their ideas and genuinely considers them"
- "He has brought the team together and helped students and staff alike to develop both personally and scientifically to ensure they get the most out of their time at Queen Mary".
Every year the Education Awards celebrate the contributions of staff and students to improving the Queen Mary learning experience. The Education Awards include categories such as Course Rep Awards, awarded to Course Reps who have made a huge difference to students and their courses, the Student Council Awards, awarded to members of the Student Council that have delivered an impact to the students that they represent, and the Teaching Awards, awarded to teaching and support staff that have made an outstanding contribution to the student experience.
Congratulations once again to Adrian on this very well-deserved award.