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CiTI: a Centre for Inflammation and Therapeutic Innovation

Collaboration and Supporting Partner Organizations

CiTI acts as a framework for synergy across QMUL and Barts Health NHS Trust as well as attracting external academic and industrial partners. Furthermore, CiTI integration within the Life Sciences Initiative (LSI) at QMUL contributes to exploiting therapeutic innovation alongside bioengineering and biomaterials opportunities. Technical innovation receives further input from active engagement and cooperation with the Institute of Bioengineering (IoB).

CiTI identifies the unifying process – inflammation – at the centre of several common diseases to harness multi-disciplinary knowledge and know how across QMUL for developing innovative therapeutic approaches for patients and societal benefit.CiTI identifies the unifying process – inflammation – at the centre of several common diseases to harness multi-disciplinary knowledge and know how across QMUL for developing innovative therapeutic approaches for patients and societal benefit.

We are grateful to our supporting partner organizations and keen to establish links with both public, private and commercial partners to accelerate innovative theraputic strategies to target the complex multi-factorial diseases that affect our society (see also Research).


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