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Technology Enhanced Learning Team

QMplus 'Super' Administrator Course

When: Tuesday, April 15, 2025, 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Where: In Person, Room 3.05, Department W, Mile End Road

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This course is intended for participants who already have Super Admin access to QMplus (or someone who requires this access for their role, e.g. digital learning roles within schools)

It is expected that participants will have experienced use of QMplus and assumes at least basic QMplus knowledge (such as that obtained from the Getting Started with QMplus course)

During this 3-hour interactive session you will:  

  • Meet and get to know other Digital Learning staff across QMUL and understand our various roles

  • Refresh your understanding of the QMplus super admin role and describe why it is an important role for your school/department

  • Explain what you use and need the QMplus super admin role for

  • Summarise some key future QMplus and general TEL updates

  • Expand your knowledge of additional QMplus administrative features that are not covered in the online self directed course and be able to explain these. Such as: Gradesplus, the enrolment mapper, roles and permissions

  • Provide feedback on the TEL course offering in 2023/2024

  • Gain insight and provide feedback on various TEL initiatives, including: 

_ Shared repository (access to be given during the session)
_ Staff wiki guides (possible group activity)
_ Self-directed QMplus super admin course (explore some of the feedback received)
_ Baseline Standards, QMplus exemplar course and QMplus sandpit area

For this in person event, lunch will be provided.

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