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School of Languages, Linguistics and Film

Dr Heidi Liedke


Feodor Lynen Postdoctoral Fellow (Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung)



Dr Heidi Liedke is assistant professor in English literature at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau, Germany, and from April 2018 until March 2020 Feodor Lynen Postdoctoral Fellow at the SLLF sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung. Her postdoctoral project focuses on the aesthetics of theatre livecasts (live theatre broadcasting) and questions of liveness and audience participation via digital media. Professor John London is one of the mentors of the project. During her stay, Heidi is also affiliated with the Centre for Anglo-German Cultural Relations.

Before embarking into the field of 21st century British theatre and performance, Heidi Liedke finished her Ph. D. on Victorian travel writing and idling at the University of Freiburg, Germany, in 2016, which was distinguished with the Dissertation Award of the German Association for the Study of English in 2018. Her monograph based on this research was published as The Experience of Idling in Victorian Travel Texts, 1850-1901 (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018).

She has taught courses on 19th-century literature, travel writing, Virginia Woolf and adaptation theory.


Research Interests:

Victorian literature, travel writing, literary urban studies, transitions (from Romanticism to Victorianism; from Victorianism to Modernism); 21st-century British theatre and performance; performance philosophy




  • Female Idling and Social Critique in Mary Shelley’s Rambles in Germany and Italy, 1840, 1842, 1843 (1844).” In: Kathryn Ledbetter (ed.): Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies Special Issue on “Women and Leisure” Summer 2019. (under review)
  • “Herodias’ Story, Herstory – Kazimiera Zawistowska’s Poetry, Young Poland and Female Decadence” In: Volupté Special Issue on Women Writing Decadence, Spring 2019. (under review)
  • “Emancipating the Spectator? Livecasting, Liveness and First-Person-Experience.” In: Performance Matters. Special Issue on 21st-century Shifts in Spectatorship and Audience Research 2019. (under review)
  • „The Female Hipster as Emancipated Spectator: The Emancipatory Aspects of Representations of Female Hipsters in Girls and Frances Ha.“ In: Heike Steinhoff and Eric C. Erbacher (Eds.): Hipster Culture. A Reader. (in preparation)
  • „Jim Jarmuschs Paterson (2016) – Dichter der eigenen Angelegenheiten.“ In: Muße. Ein Magazin 5 (2017).
  • Muße. Ein Magazin 5 (2017) (edited with Martin Büdel)
  • „Walking the (Open) City – Vom viktorianischen München ins postmoderne New York.“ In: Tobias Keiling/Robert Krause/Heidi Liedke (eds): Muße und Moderne [Idleness/Leisure and Modernity]. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. (forthcoming, by the end of 2018).
  • „‚The Sheepish Fear of Deserting the Common Track is Upon Us' – The Emotional Assessment of Space and Time in Victorian Guidebooks and Travel Literature.“ In: Barbara Franchi / Elvan Mutlu (eds.): Victorian Spaces and Imperial Travel. Cambridge Scholars. 132-149.
  • „W. H. Hudson and Bruce Chatwin in Patagonia – The Phantasy of Disappearance.“ In: Fréderic Regard / Nicoletta Brazelli (eds.): Textus. English Studies in Italy 29.2 (2016) (At the End of the World: Extreme Places of the British Imagination), 95-107.
  • „Von der Berechenbarkeit der Muße – George Orwells Books v. Cigarettes.“ In: Muße. Ein Magazin 4.
  • „Oisiveté et écriture dans Un flâneur en Patagonie de W. H. Hudson (1893).“ Transl. by Anna Pevoski and Clara Schwarze. In: Thomas Klinkert (ed.): Otium et écriture dans la littérature du xixe et du xxe siècles. Grenoble: Ellug, 2016, 107-127.
  • „Lana del Rey: Der fahrige Narco Swing einer faulen Frau.“ In: Muße. Ein Magazin 3.
  • „Ida und Wanda – Und es wurde still.“ Review. In: Muße. Ein Magazin 2.
  • „Idling in London. Zwischen Muße und Kommerz.“ (with Henrike Manuwald) In: Muße. Ein Magazin 2.
  • Muße. Ein Magazin 2. (edited with mit Kerstin Fest)
  • „Der Klang der ‚primitiven’ Muße. Deichkind – Arbeit Nervt.“ Review. In: Muße. Ein Magazin 1.
  • „‚...and now is the time I want it.' Laurence Sterne's A Sentimental Journey read as Romantic Ramble versus Ego Trip.“ In: Bandry-Scubbi, Anne & Rémi Vuillemin (eds.). Real and Imaginary Travels. 16th-18th Centuries. 2014. S. 57-67.

Other editorial work

  • Muße. Ein (E-Journal, since 2015)
  • 14Magazin, Freiburg. (editor-in-chief 2015 - 2017)