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School of Languages, Linguistics and Film

QMUL PhD student Abigaël Candelas de la Ossa makes a short written submission of evidence on the Abusive Behaviour and Sexual Harm (Scotland) Bill

QMUL PhD student Abigaël Candelas de la Ossa makes a short written submission of evidence on the Abusive Behaviour and Sexual Harm (Scotland) Bill.


QMUL PhD student Abigaël Candelas de la Ossa made a short written submission of evidence to the Justice Committee of the Scottish Parliament on the Abusive Behaviour and Sexual Harm (Scotland) Bill, which, if passed, would introduce new legislative provisions in Scotland for non-consensual distribution of intimate media (eg "revenge porn"), and jury directions for sexual offences.

According to the Scottish Government’s Policy Memorandum accompanying the Bill, the Bill “will help improve how the justice system responds to abusive behaviour including domestic abuse and sexual harm”. 

You can find her submission here.

See more on the Bill here.