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Languages, Linguistics and Film

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QM Elevate was one of the winners of the President's and Principal's Fund for Educational Excellence in 2023/24.

Our programme received two years of funding to develop a series of podcasts exploring how students learn to communicate across different disciplines and how they transfer these skills to their careers after graduation.

For this project, we collaborated with 11 academic disciplines: Global Health, Computer Science, Accountancy, TESOL, Film, German Literature, Medicine, Business, Economics and Finance, Law, and Biochemistry. We recorded amazing conversations with students, alumni, and academics.

We used QMUL's recording facilities in Arts 1. You can see here a picture of the BLOC gallery, where most of the recordings took place.

The podcasts are currently in production and will be ready for release by the end of Semester 2 of 2024/25. We are planning an official launch in April 2025.

And here is a sneak peek behind the scenes:

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