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School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences

Anna-Theresa Jieman


PhD student



Project title: Strong Black Women? Investigating the role of intersectionality in the experience, treatment, and outcomes of common mental disorders among Black women.

Summary: Common mental disorders (CMD), which include depression and anxiety, are a major global mental health concern. In Britain, women are disproportionally affected by CMD and ethnicity adds an additional layer of disadvantage, with Black/Black British women experiencing higher rates of CMD relative to White British women. Furthermore, Black/Black British women are less likely to seek and receive treatment, and more likely to experience poor outcomes. Understanding and addressing these mental health inequalities are imperative to ensuring that all members of society can access and obtain the support needed to fare well. Drawing on the framework of intersectionality in general, and the Strong Black woman schema in particular, the proposed research will investigate how and why gender and race might work together to shape the experience, treatment and outcomes associated with CMD among Black women. This research will be conducted in partnership with Catalyst 4Change (Birmingham) and BlackThrive (London), organisations that work to develop and support Black British, African and Caribbean mental health and well-being in the United Kingdom.



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