Nomenclature of Regular Single-Strand Organic Polymers

9. Examples of Polymer Names 41-60

Continued from 9. Examples of Polymer Names 21-40

Continued with 9. Examples of Polymer Names 61-79

9. Examples of Polymer Names (continued)

Example 41

(heterocycle is senior to heteroatom; shorter path between them; Rules 1, 12)

Example 42

(pyridine is senior to O; shorter path between them; Rules 1, 11, 12)

Example 43

(heteroatom is senior to carbocycle; shorter path between them; Rules 1, 11)

Example 44

(pyridine is senior to pyrrole; shorter path between them; heavy line denotes path followed; Rules 2d, 12)

Example 45

(heterocycle is senior to heteroatom; shorter path between them; Rules 1, 11, 12)

Example 46

(heteroatoms are senior to carbocycle; shorter path through both N; substituted heteroatom is senior to the same unsubstituted heteroatom; Rules 1, 5, 11, 15)

Example 47

(heterocycle is senior to heteroatom; shorter path between them; Rules 1, 11, 12)

Example 48

(N is senior to Si; shorter path; Rule 4)

Example 49

(of two equal paths of three atoms between heterocycle and heteroatom,the path through carbocycle is preferred; Rules 11, 12, 14)

Example 50

(shorter path from S to S; direction determined by lower locant for the substituent earlier in the alphabetical order; Rules 10e, 15)

Example 51

(shorter path through both S; lowest locants for substituents; Rules 10d, 15)

Example 52

(shorter path between pyridine subunits; Rules 12, 15)

Example 53

(substituted acyclic carbon chain is senior to unsubstituted; Rules 10c, 15)

Example 54

(heterocycle is senior to heteroatom; substituted acyclic carbon chain is senior to unsubstituted one; Rules 1, 10c, 12)

Example 55

(least hydrogenated ring is senior; the direction is determined by the alphabetical order of the substituents in the carbon chain; Rules 9a, 10e, 11)

Example 56

(O is senior to N; of the two two-carbon chains the one with the larger number of substituents is senior; Rules 4, 10c)

Example 57

(heteroatom is senior to carbocycle; of equal chains with the same substituents that with lower locant is senior; Rules 1, 10d)

Example 58

(shorter path through both S; direction determined by the lower locant of the iodo substituent; Rules 10d, 15)

Example 59

(O is senior to N; direction in the group -N(O)=N- is indicated by the prefix ONN; Rules 4, 7d)

Example 60

(direction determined by the lower locant for the chloro substituent in biphenyl; Rules 9c, 9f, 11)

Continue with 9. Examples of Polymer Names 61-79
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