IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature


Accepted name: (R)-3-hydroxyacid-ester dehydrogenase

Reaction: ethyl (R)-3-hydroxyhexanoate + NADP+ = ethyl 3-oxohexanoate + NADPH + H+

Other name(s): 3-oxo ester (R)-reductase

Systematic name: ethyl-(R)-3-hydroxyhexanoate:NADP+ 3-oxidoreductase

Comments: Also acts on ethyl (R)-3-oxobutanoate and some other (R)-3-hydroxy acid esters. The (R)- symbol is allotted on the assumption that no substituents change the order of priority from O-3 > C-2 > C-4. A subunit of yeast fatty acid synthase EC, fatty-acyl-CoA synthase system. cf. EC, (S)-3-hydroxyacid ester dehydrogenase.

Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, ExplorEnz, KEGG, MetaCyc, CAS registry number: 114705-02-1


1. Heidlas, J., Engel, K.-H. and Tressl, R. Purification and characterization of two oxidoreductases involved in the enantioselective reduction of 3-oxo, 4-oxo and 5-oxo esters in baker's yeast. Eur. J. Biochem. 172 (1988) 633-639. [PMID: 3280313]

[EC created 1990 as EC, transferred 2003 to EC, modified 2018]

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