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School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences

Annual Christmas Bioenergetics Meeting 2019

16 December 2019

Time: 10:00am - 6:00pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre, Arts Two Building, Mile End Campus, Queen Mary University of London, London, E1 4NS

In 2019 we are proud to host the annual Christmas Bioenergetics meeting at Queen Mary University of London. Every year this meeting brings together researchers from around the UK (and beyond) working on bioenergetics systems and processes in bacteria, animals and plants for a stimulating discussion.

The format is a plenary talk followed by presentations from young and promising scientists in the field.

Confirmed Speakers

  • Dr Benjamin Engel, Max Plank Institute for Biochemistry - Cryo-tomography on photosynthetic compartments

The full programme


To register for this event, please contact Dr Guy Hanke at and include 'XMAS REGISTRATION' as the subject line of your email. 

View campus map here.

Event Sponsors

Confirmed sponsors for this event are Heinz Walz GmbHThe Biochemical Society and Shimadzu.


Shimadzu logo

The meeting is recognised as a Sponsored event and so Student Members of the Biochemical Society are eligible to apply for a general travel bursary. Please follow this link to apply. 

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