The Researcher Development Concordat sets out clear standards that research staff can expect from the institution that employs them, as well as their responsibilities as researchers. The Concordat was updated in September 2019 to a statement of three principles in support of researcher career development, outlining specific expectations and responsibilities of each major stakeholder:
Refer to the ARCHIVE expandable section below for a list of all RD Concordat reports and action plans.
We want our postdoctoral researchers to thrive while at Queen Mary, whilst also preparing them for their next career step beyond their current post. We encourage our to proactively engage in their own professional and career development by spending at least 10 days (70 hours) per year involved in continued professional development (CPD) activity.
The RD Concordat sets obligations for funders, institutions, managers of researchers, and researchers themselves to ensure that the policies that govern researchers' employment conditions, and the culture that shapes their experience, to enable them to flourish. Postdocs and managers of researchers are represented on our RD Concordat Implementation Group (RDCIG), as well as the faculty-level culture and advisory groups that shape our action planning.
The EC's HR Excellence in Research Award marks an institution’s commitment to upholding the RD Concordat (UK equivalent to The European Charter and Code). The award is granted to research organisations for empowering, supporting, and developing their research community.
Responsibilities & Review: To maintain the award, institutions publish an action plan every three years demonstrating a positive trajectory toward implementing the RD Concordat. These are reviewed by an external panel of experts.
QMUL become a signatory of the RD Concordat in January 2021. For a list of current signatories, visit the RD Concordat webpage and scroll to signatories section at the bottom.
QMUL Concordat Signatory Letter [PDF 169KB]
Responsibilities & Review: Following our initial action plan as a signatory (AP2022), we report our progress to our Senior Executive Team and Council, annually. In harmonising these two reporting processes, every third year we will publish a new 3-year action plan as part of our HR Excellence in Research Award renewal submission.
Our future actions to implement the Concordat build upon our past successes and apply a postdoc lens to the Research and Innovation Enabling plan, part of the Queen Mary Strategy 2030, and our institutional values.
Environment and culture Action 1: RD/QMA will deliver an annual Postdoc Conference, co-created with postdocs. Action 2: RD/QMA will launch the Postdoc Peer Support Programme (PPSP), creating cross-disciplinary groups of postdocs to support peer wellbeing. Action 3: The RC Team will Create a RC Steering Group (RCSG) to embed research culture and its leadership firmly within Queen Mary.Action 4: Improved capturing and assessing of data on our research community to inform decision making. Action 5: Use the Enhancing Research Culture Funding from Research England to directly benefit researchers and support delivery of the Research Culture strategic priorities. Action 6: Better embed RI Training across The University, available to researchers of all levels.Action 7: S&E will support their postdocs to organise networking and socialising events. Action 8: HSS will improve communication and awareness around HR processes with their postdoctoral researchers Action 9: FMD will Develop a new approach to monitoring and handling incidents of bullying, harassment and discrimination.Action 10: FMD Develop of a new research integrity (RI) policy, including data integrity and a new approach to handling misconduct.
Employment Action 11: The VP R&I’s office will Re-evaluate the criteria and communications around the Research & Innovation Awards to ensure that awards criteria are open and accessible to post docs. Action 12: HSS and Action 13 S&E will improve postdoc and ECR involvement in School and Faculty decision-making committees. Action 14: HSS will design and deliver a Research Induction event for new ECRs.
Professional Development of Researchers Action 15: RD/QMA will build the new postdoc RD programme, introducing a new cohort approach to foster community amongst postdocs. This includes:
Action 20: HSS will develop and deliver a specific programme of careers workshops for postdocs and fellows. Action 21: HSS and Action 22 S&E will better promote engagement with career progression planning for their postdocs and fellows Action 23: FMD will put all postdocs on indefinite contracts (with a funding clause) to improve stability of postdoc employment.
The Researcher Development Concordat Implementation Group was launched in August 2020 and meets regularly to strategize, formulate actions, and report on feedback from our research community.
QMUL’s Concordat Champion is our Vice-Principal for People, Culture and Inclusion*. Members include two Postdoctoral Researchers, one Academic Staff (Manager of Researchers), and one strategy/research manager from all Faculties; representation from HR, Equality Diversity and Inclusion, the Research Culture Team; and the group is chaired and managed by staff from the Queen Mary Academy.
*currently our VP-Research & Innovation, while we recruit a new VP-People, Culture, and Inclusion.
The RDCIG's Terms of Reference: RDCIG - Terms of Reference (Feb 2025) [PDF 195KB]
For further information please contact Dr Rui Pires Martins.