Module Title: Learning and Teaching in the Disciplines (ADP7217)
Convener: Giorgia Pigato
Tutors: Heather McClean
Programme: This is the second core module for CILT and PGCAP
Delivery mode: The module is delivered online with optional in-person activities. It is taught in streamed disciplinary seminar groups and takes a flipped learning approach. Participants can choose to join the group they feel would be most appropriate for them: medicine and dentistry; science and engineering or humanities and social sciences.
Credits: 15 (Level 7)
Module Description:
This module is the second core module for CILT and PGCAP and runs over one semester. It is also the final module of CILT and is aligned to Descriptor 1 (D1) of the UKPSF. The module is designed to build on the introduction to teaching and learning from the first module of the programme to support the authentication of professional practice.
This module enables participants to focus more closely on their broad disciplines and the forms of teaching specific to those. It consists of seven topics: the wider context of your practice, critical theory, small group learning and teaching, large group learning and teaching, assessment, marking and giving feedback, student support and reflecting on observations of professional practice. Topics include:
Learning outcomes:
By the end of this module participants should be able to
Academic content:
Disciplinary skills:
Formative assessment includes:
Feedback on forum posts, informal feedback in class. Teaching observation feedback from a mentor or senior colleague, and from a peer. Drop-in consultations with tutor for feedback on preparation for assignments.
Summative assessment:
Assignment 1 – Oral presentation of a teaching & learning resource developed by the participant – 40% weighting
A 10-min presentation of a resource for learning, including rationale and outcome of testing (if possible). This should be a resource which is used within one of the observed sessions. Feedback from peers and tutor.
Assignment 2 – Reflection on teaching observations – 60% weighting
Up to 2,000 words written reflection on the three teaching observations (2 x being observed and 1 x acting as observer). This should include the observation pro-formas as appendices: they can be separate documents or integrated into the main submission.