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School of Politics and International Relations

Dr Agathe Piquet, MA (Sciences Po Toulouse), MA (Toulouse), PhD (Paris 2)

Post-doctoral Research Assistant, NEXTEUK Project

Room Number: Arts One, Room 2.30A
Office Hours: SEM A- By appointment only & SEM B- Tuesdays 2pm-4pm


Agathe Piquet joined Queen Mary in January 2020 as a post-doctoral research assistant to the NEXTEUK Project on the future of the EU-UK relations, a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Project co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union.

She holds a MA in Politics (Sciences Po Toulouse) and a MA in International Relations and Security Policies (Toulouse University). She recently completed a PhD in political science at Panthéon-Assas University in Paris, entitled “Europol, a European police? Creation and autonomisation of an agency” under the supervision of Professor Yves Surel. Her dissertation focuses on Europol’s institutional trajectory from the 1990s to 2018 and offers an analytical alternative to the principal-agent model, by exploring the academic works on autonomy, renewed by a cognitive and sociological approach. By demonstrating how Europol has gradually gained some form of autonomy from its complex and multi-level environment, this research offers to contribute to the existing research on the integration of core-state powers. 


Research Interests:

European Union ; European police cooperation ; Internal security ; European agencies.

Examples of research funding:

Laureate of the financial support from the Institut des Hautes Études de Défense Nationale (2016 + 2017).


Peer-reviewed journals

"La trajectoire institutionnelle d’Europol, une hybridation confirmant un paradoxe de l’intégration ? » Politique européenne (to be published in 2020).

"Un nouveau regard sur la sécurité intérieure de l’UE : les apports des outils de la sociologie de l’action publique" with Andy Smith and Jacques de Maillard, Politique européenne (to be published in 2020).

"Supranational Activism and Intergovernmental Dynamics: the European Police Office as a Supranationalist Opportunist?", Journal of Contemporary European Research Special Issue (13/3), September 2017.

"Le nouveau règlement Europol: un cas d’entreprenariat politique supranational de la Commission européenne?", Cahiers de la sécurité et de la justice n°38, March 2017.

"Europol et la « sécuritisation » des migrations irrégulières", Migrations Société n°165, volume 3, October 2016.

Conference proceedings

"La « guerre des polices » au sein de l’Espace de Liberté, de Sécurité et de Justice: une dynamique multi-niveaux", conference proceedings "L’échange de données dans l’Espace de Liberté, de Sécurité et de Justice", Grenoble University, November 2016, Mare et Martin, Paris, June 2017.

Institutional publications

"La coopération policière européenne sur le devant de la scène? Évolutions et développements accélérés depuis 2013", janvier 2019, Institut des Hautes Études de la Défense Nationale publications, mars 2019.

"De la criminalité transnationale comme enjeu des relations euro-méditerranéennes", Euro-Mediterranean Study Commission Publications, juillet 2013

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