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Library Services

SCONUL Access (Non-Queen Mary users)

Students and staff from universities that are part of the SCONUL Access scheme are eligible to apply for access to our libraries. 

SCONUL Access categorises users into bands: 

  • Band A: Staff and postgraduate research students 
  • Band B: Part-time, distance learning, and placement students
  • Band C: Postgraduate taught students
  • Band R: Undergraduate students 

Please note: 

  • Bands A-C may borrow up to 6 books 
  • Band R is reference only, meaning that you will not be able to borrow books
  • All SCONUL members are unable to visit our libraries between midnight and 8am and at Mile End Library, access during term-time (including examination periods) is limited to off-peak hours for Band R members:
    • Monday to Friday: 6pm to midnight
    • Weekends: 8am to midnight
  • SCONUL members do not have access to PCs, laptops, e-resources or print services 
  • SCONUL members will be able to join the Eduroam or QM Visitor Wi-Fi
  • We reserve the right to restrict access during exam periods. 


Apply for SCONUL and access to Queen Mary Libraries 

  1. Complete the SCONUL Access application form and wait to receive the confirmation email from your home institution library
  2. Complete our membership application form selecting the SCONUL Access Scheme category 
  3. You will receive an email from Queen Mary Library confirming your card is ready. Please bring your SCONUL confirmation email and ID from your home institution to collect your card from Mile End Library Welcome Desk within staffed hours. 

We aim to process applications within 7 working days. 

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