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Library Services

Publisher Open Access Agreements

Queen Mary University of London has signed up to a number of agreements with publishers to pay costs and streamline the process of open access publishing. Publishing under some of these agreements is dependent on your research funder while others will cover the costs for any Queen Mary authors.

To qualify for the publisher agreements you must be the corresponding author and identify yourself as being affiliated with Queen Mary University of London, failure to do so could mean your article is not eligible for publication with the agreement.

Details below provide more information on the agreements we have and how to access them. We have not signed up to every publisher agreement and in some cases publishers have not offered a publishing agreement. Where this is the case we have provided information on other publishing options for the more prominent academic publishers. 

You can also find on this page some alternative routes to open access publishing.  

If you would like us to add information about a publisher or you would like to recommend a publisher agreement not listed, please contact Open Research Services.

Not all publisher policies will be in line with your research funder's policy on open access, please see our information on Open access and your funder.

The Library currently has a Transitional open access publishing agreement with the American Chemical Society that entitles articles submitted by all Queen Mary correspondence authors, irrespective of funding, to be published open access.

When submitting a paper to the American Chemical Society you should use your university email address and list Queen Mary University of London as your affiliated institution. The corresponding author on the paper must be currently affiliated to Queen Mary University of London to publish with this agreement. 

If eligible the publisher will contact the Library for open access approval.

If you are looking to publish with this publisher and want to make your paper open access please fill in our Open Access Request Form prior to submitting your paper to ensure you are eligible for support with the open access fees.

For more information about applying for funding please see our Apply for funding to pay Open Access Fees page.

The Library currently has a Transitional open access publishing agreement with the American Physical Society (APS) that entitles articles submitted by all Queen Mary correspondence authors, irrespective of funding, to be published open access.

The agreement covers the following titles:
Physical Review Letters (PRL)
Physical Review A (PRA)
Physical Review B (PRB)
Physical Review C (PRC)
Physical Review D (PRD)
Physical Review E (PRE)
Physical Review Applied (PRApplied)
Physical Review Fluids (PRFluids)
Physical Review Materials (PRMaterials)

When submitting a paper to any of these titles you should use your university email address and list Queen Mary University of London as your affiliated institution. The corresponding author on the paper must be currently affiliated to Queen Mary University of London to publish with this agreement. If eligible the publisher will contact the Library for open access approval.

The American Physical Society's fully Open Access titles are not covered by this agreement:

PRX Quantum
Physical Review X
Physical Review Physics Education Research
Physical Review Research
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams
Physical Review Special Topics. Accelerators and Beams
Physical Review Special Topics. Physics Education Research 

Support to cover open access fees in APS publications is currently only available for research acknowledging the following research funding organisations:

Arts and Humanities Research Council
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Economic and Social Research Council
Innovate UK
Medical Research Council
Natural Environment Research Council
Research England
Science and Technology Facilities Council

British Heart Foundation
Cancer Research UK
Wellcome Trust

If you are looking to publish with this publisher and want to make your paper open access please fill in our Open Access Request Form prior to submitting your paper to ensure you are eligible for support with the open access fees.

It you have any questions about publishing please contact Open Research Services

Queen Mary University does not currently have a publishing agreement with ACM.

ACM does offer a paid open access route and a self archiving route that is compliant with most research funder policies.
More details can be found on the ACM open access pages. ACM titles are considered to be Transformative Journals.

The Library is able to support payment of open access fees for accepted articles acknowledging funding from:

Arts and Humanities Research Council
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Economic and Social Research Council
Innovate UK
Medical Research Council
Natural Environment Research Council
Research England
Science and Technology Facilities Council

British Heart Foundation
Cancer Research UK
Wellcome Trust

If you are looking to publish with this publisher and want to make your paper open access please contact Open Research Services prior to submitting your paper to ensure you are eligible for support with the open access fees.

For more information about applying for funding please see our Apply for funding to pay Open Access Fees page.

The Library currently has a Transitional open access publishing agreement with Bioscientifica that entitles articles submitted by all Queen Mary correspondence authors, irrespective of funding, to be published open access.

Participating Bioscientifica journals are: Journal of Endocrinology, Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, Endocrine-Related Cancer, European Journal of Endocrinology, Reproduction.

When submitting a paper to Bioscientifica you should use your university email address and list Queen Mary University of London as your affiliated institution. The corresponding author on the paper must be currently affiliated to Queen Mary University of London to publish with this agreement. If eligible the publisher will contact the Library for open access approval.

If you are looking to publish with this publisher and want to make your paper open access please fill in our Open Access Request Form prior to submitting your paper to ensure you are eligible for support with the open access fees.

For more information about applying for funding please see our Apply for funding to pay Open Access Fees page.

The Library currently has a Transitional open access publishing agreement with BMJ Publishing. 

This agreement covers accepted papers in hybrid journal and fully open access titles that are funded by the following research funding organisations:

Arts and Humanities Research Council
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Economic and Social Research Council
Innovate UK
Medical Research Council
Natural Environment Research Council
Research England
Science and Technology Facilities Council

British Heart Foundation
Cancer Research UK
Wellcome Trust

When submitting a paper to BMJ Publishing you should use your university email address and list Queen Mary University of London as your affiliated institution. The corresponding author on the paper must be currently affiliated to Queen Mary University of London to publish with this agreement. If eligible the publisher will contact the Library for open access approval.

A full list of journals included in the deal can be found here (scroll down to 'Find out if you are entitled to institutional funding' and select Queen Mary University of London from the list of institutions. On the right you will see 'The journals that you can publish in' - use the down arrow to see the list of included journals).

Please also see the list of eligible article types for the agreement.

If you are looking to publish with this publisher and want to make your paper open access please fill in our Open Access Fees Request Form prior to submitting your paper to ensure you are eligible for support with the open access fees.

For more information about applying for funding please see our Apply for funding to pay Open Access Fees page.

The Library currently has a Transitional open access publishing agreement with the Cambridge University Press that entitles articles submitted by all Queen Mary correspondence authors, irrespective of funding, to be published open access.

You should use your university email address and list Queen Mary University of London as your affiliated institution. The corresponding author on the paper must be currently affiliated to Queen Mary University of London to publish with this agreement. 

If eligible the publisher will approve the request.

Check eligible title list.

If you are looking to publish with this publisher and want to make your paper open access please fill in our Open Access Request Form prior to submitting your paper to ensure you are eligible for support with the open access fees.

For more information about applying for funding please see our Apply for funding to pay Open Access Fees page.

The Library currently has a Transitional open access publishing agreement with Elsevier Publishing. 

This agreement covers eligible article types in hybrid journal titles. To check if your chosen journal is part of the agreement follow this link to the Elsevier Participating Journals page.

When submitting a paper to Elsevier Publishing you must use your university email address and list Queen Mary University of London as your affiliated institution. The corresponding author on the paper must be currently affiliated to Queen Mary University of London to publish with this agreement. If eligible the publisher will contact the Library for open access approval.

If you are publishing in a fully open access Elsevier Journal you can apply to have the open access fees paid if funded by the following research funding organisations:

Arts and Humanities Research Council
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Economic and Social Research Council
Innovate UK
Medical Research Council
Natural Environment Research Council
Research England
Science and Technology Facilities Council

British Heart Foundation
Cancer Research UK
Wellcome Trust

If you are looking to publish with this publisher and want to make your paper open access please fill in our Open Access Request Form prior to submitting your paper to ensure you are eligible for support with the open access fees.

For more information about applying for funding please see our Apply for funding to pay Open Access Fees page.

The Library currently has a Transitional open access publishing agreement with the European Respiratory Society that entitles articles submitted by all Queen Mary correspondence authors, irrespective of funding, to be published open access.

European Respiratory Society journals are: ERJ Open Research, European Respiratory Journal, European Respiratory Review.

When submitting a paper to the European Respiratory Society you should use your university email address and list Queen Mary University of London as your affiliated institution. The corresponding author on the paper must be currently affiliated to Queen Mary University of London to publish with this agreement. If eligible the publisher will contact the Library for open access approval.

If you are looking to publish with this publisher and want to make your paper open access please fill in our Open Access Request Form prior to submitting your paper to ensure you are eligible for support with the open access fees.

For more information about applying for funding please see our Apply for funding to pay Open Access Fees page.

Frontiers is an open access publisher. Publishing fees are required for all accepted articles.

The Library's current agreement with this publisher extends only to accepted articles acknowledging funding from:

Arts and Humanities Research Council
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Economic and Social Research Council
Innovate UK
Medical Research Council
Natural Environment Research Council
Research England
Science and Technology Facilities Council

British Heart Foundation
Cancer Research UK
Wellcome Trust

If you are looking to publish with this publisher and want to make your paper open access please fill in our Open Access Request Form prior to submitting your paper to ensure you are eligible for support with the open access fees.

For more information about applying for funding please see our Apply for funding to pay Open Access Fees page.

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) do not currently offer a publishing agreement that is compliant with the majority of UK Research Funding organisations.

Support to cover open access fees in IEEE publications is currently only available for fully open access IEEE titles (see list below) and if funded by the following research funding organisations:

Arts and Humanities Research Council
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Economic and Social Research Council
Innovate UK
Medical Research Council
Natural Environment Research Council
Research England
Science and Technology Facilities Council

British Heart Foundation
Cancer Research UK
Wellcome Trust

List of fully open access IEEE titles in the Directory of Open Access Journals
(list updated 1/4/2022).

IEEE Access
IEEE Journal of Microwaves
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society
IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine
IEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits
IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy
IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation
IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems
IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology
IEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications
IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems
IEEE Open Journal of Nanotechnology
IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics
IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society
IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society
IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society
IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology
IEEE Photonics Journal
IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy

If you are looking to publish with IEEE and want to make your paper open access please contact Open Research Services prior to submitting your paper to ensure you are eligible for support with the open access fees.

IEEE Update 20/5/2022
IEEE have updated their policy for authors following the self-archiving route to open access publishing to meet the requirements of research funders. Full details can be found on IEEE's website.

The advice given for authors who are required to comply with their research funders open access policy is as follows:

Route 2 Option: Publishing via a subscription based journal or conference

UKRI-funded authors are now also able to publish articles via Open Access in any of the subscription based IEEE journals, magazines, or conferences published in compliance with the UKRI “Route 2” option. Under this option:

  • Authors may deposit the Accepted Manuscript (AM) in an institutional or subject repository at the time of final publication
  • No delay or ‘embargo period’ is required prior to posting to the repository
  • The deposited version will have a CC BY license provided to the author by IEEE as long as the funder is properly identified

To make the CC BY licence available as quickly as possible under the Route 2 option, IEEE has implemented a manual fulfillment process for researchers with UKRI funding or from funders with similar mandates. To begin the process, authors who need a CC BY licence for an accepted manuscript should send a request to IEEE’s Intellectual Property Rights group at as soon as they submit their article. To further meet the Route 2 requirements and ensure compliance, the submissions should include the following text in the funding acknowledgement section of the manuscript and any cover note accompanying the submission:

“For the purpose of open access, the author(s) has applied a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license to any Accepted Manuscript version arising.”

If you have any questions relating to publishing with IEEE  please contact Open Research Services prior to submitting your paper to ensure you are eligible for support with the open access fees or can achieve compliance with your research funder. 

The Library currently has a Transitional open access publishing agreement with Hindawi Publishing.

Only original research and review articles are eligible under this agreement.

Our Hindawi Publishing agreement is managed by Wiley, please see the Wiley Publishing (Transitional Agreement) tab for more details. 

If you are looking to publish with this publisher and want to make your paper open access please fill in our Open Access Request Form prior to submitting your paper to ensure you are eligible for support with the open access fees.

For more information about applying for funding please see our Apply for funding to pay Open Access Fees page.

The Library currently has a Transitional open access publishing agreement with IOP. 

This agreement covers any accepted papers published in eligible IOP titles (see below to check if your title is listed):

Title List A: Hybrid Titles

2D Materials
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics
Biomedical Materials
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express
Classical and Quantum Gravity
European Journal of Physics
Engineering Research Express
Electronic Structure
Flexible and Printed Electronics
Inverse Problems
Journal of Breath Research
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
Journal of Neural Engineering
Journal of Optics
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
Journal of Radiological Protection
Methods and Applications in Fluorescence
Multifunctional Materials
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering
Measurement Science and Technology
Nano Futures
Physical Biology
Physics Education
Physics in Medicine & Biology
Physiological Measurement
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
Plasma Research Express
Progress in Biomedical Engineering
Progress in Energy
Physica Scripta
Plasma Sources Science and Technology
Quantum Science & Technology
Smart Materials and Structures
Semiconductor Science and Technology
Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties
Superconductor Science and Technology

Title List B: Society journals

Applied Physics Express*
Fluid Dynamics Research
Functional Composites and Structures
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics*
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Journal of Instrumentation
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
Laser Physics
Laser Physics Letters
Nuclear Fusion*
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific

*these titles may also apply additional page and other publishing charges that cannot be covered by the library’s open access funding.

Title List D: Open access journals

Environmental Research Communications
Environmental Research: Climate
Environmental Research: Ecology
Environmental Research: Health
Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability​
Environmental Research Letters
IOP SciNotes
Journal of Physics Communications
Journal of Physics: Complexity
Journal of Physics: Energy
Journal of Physics: Materials
Journal of Physics: Photonics
Machine Learning: Science and Technology
Materials for Quantum Technology
Materials Research Express
Nano Express
Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering​
New Journal of Physics

When submitting a paper to IOP you should use your university email address and list Queen Mary University of London as your affiliated institution. The corresponding author on the paper must be currently affiliated to Queen Mary University of London to publish with this agreement. If eligible the publisher will contact the Library for open access approval.

If you are looking to publish with this publisher and want to make your paper open access please fill in our Open Access Request Form prior to submitting your paper to ensure you are eligible for support with the open access fees.

For more information about applying for funding please see our Apply for funding to pay Open Access Fees page.

The Library currently has a Transitional open access publishing agreement with the Microbiology Society. 

This agreement covers any accepted papers published in eligible Microbiology Society titles (see below to check if your title is listed):

Journal Title
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
Journal of General Virology
Journal of Medical Microbiology
Microbial Genomics
Access Microbiology

When submitting a paper to the Microbiology Society you should use your university email address and list Queen Mary University of London as your affiliated institution. The corresponding author on the paper must be currently affiliated to Queen Mary University of London to publish with this agreement. If eligible the publisher will contact the Library for open access approval.

If you are looking to publish with this publisher and want to make your paper open access please fill in our Open Access Request Form prior to submitting your paper to ensure you are eligible for support with the open access fees.

For more information about applying for funding please see our Apply for funding to pay Open Access Fees page.

The Library currently has a Transitional open access publishing agreement with the Oxford University Press that entitles articles submitted by all Queen Mary correspondence authors, irrespective of funding, to be published open access.

When submitting a paper to Oxford University Press your article should be listed as either:

  • Research article
  • Review article
  • Case report
  • Brief report

You should use your university email address and list Queen Mary University of London as your affiliated institution. The corresponding author on the paper must be currently affiliated to Queen Mary University of London to publish with this agreement. 

If eligible the publisher will approve the request.

List of eligible titles.

If you are looking to publish with this publisher and want to make your paper open access please fill in our Open Access Request Form prior to submitting your paper to ensure you are eligible for support with the open access fees.

For more information about applying for funding please see our Apply for funding to pay Open Access Fees page.

The Library currently has a Transitional open access publishing agreement with Portland Press that entitles articles submitted by all Queen Mary correspondence authors, irrespective of funding, to be published open access.

Participating Portland Press journals are:
Biochemical Journal
Biochemical Society Transactions
Clinical Science
Bioscience Reports
Essays in Biochemistry
Emerging Topics in Life Sciences
Neuronal Signaling

When submitting a paper to Portland Press you should use your university email address and list Queen Mary University of London as your affiliated institution. The corresponding author on the paper must be currently affiliated to Queen Mary University of London to publish with this agreement. If eligible the publisher will contact the Library for open access approval.

If you are looking to publish with this publisher and want to make your paper open access please fill in our Open Access Request Form prior to submitting your paper to ensure you are eligible for support with the open access fees.

For more information about applying for funding please see our Apply for funding to pay Open Access Fees page.

The Library currently has a open access publishing agreement with the Public Library of Science (PLoS) that entitles articles submitted by all Queen Mary correspondence authors, irrespective of funding, to be published open access.

The agreement covers the following titles:
PLOS Genetics
PLOS Pathogens
PLOS Computational Biology
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases
PLOS Digital Health
PLOS Complex

When submitting a paper to PLoS you must use your university email address and list Queen Mary University of London as your affiliated institution. The corresponding author on the paper must be currently affiliated to Queen Mary University of London to publish with this agreement. 

If eligible the publisher will approve the request.

If you are looking to publish with this publisher and want to make your paper open access please fill in our Open Access Request Form prior to submitting your paper to ensure you are eligible for support with the open access fees.

For more information about applying for funding please see our Apply for funding to pay Open Access Fees page.

The Library currently has a Transitional open access publishing agreement with the Royal Society of Chemistry. 

This agreement covers all accepted papers in hybrid journal titles.

When submitting a paper to Royal Society of Chemistry you should use your university email address and list Queen Mary University of London as your affiliated institution. The corresponding author on the paper must be currently affiliated to Queen Mary University of London to publish with this agreement. If eligible the publisher will contact the Library for open access approval.

If you are publishing in a fully open access Royal Society of Chemistry Journal you can apply to have the open access fees paid if funded by the following research funding organisations:

Arts and Humanities Research Council
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Economic and Social Research Council
Innovate UK
Medical Research Council
Natural Environment Research Council
Research England
Science and Technology Facilities Council

British Heart Foundation
Cancer Research UK
Wellcome Trust

If you are looking to publish with this publisher and want to make your paper open access please fill in our Open Access Request Form prior to submitting your paper to ensure you are eligible for support with the open access fees.

For more information about applying for funding please see our Apply for funding to pay Open Access Fees page.

The Library currently has a Transitional open access publishing agreement with the Royal Society that entitles articles submitted by all Queen Mary correspondence authors, irrespective of funding, to be published open access.

Journal titles covered by the agreement:

  • Philosophical Transactions A (1471-2962)
  • Philosophical Transactions B (1471-2970)
  • Proceedings A (1471-2946)
  • Proceedings B (1471-2954)
  • Biology Letters (1744-957X)
  • Interface (1742-5662)
  • Interface Focus (2042-8901)
  • Notes & Records (1743-0178)
  • Open Biology (2046-2441)
  • Open Science (2054-5703)

When submitting a paper to the Royal Society you should use your university email address and list Queen Mary University of London as your affiliated institution. The corresponding author on the paper must be currently affiliated to Queen Mary University of London to publish with this agreement. If eligible the publisher will contact the Library for open access approval.

If you are looking to publish with this publisher and want to make your paper open access please fill in our Open Access Request Form prior to submitting your paper to ensure you are eligible for support with the open access fees.

For more information about applying for funding please see our Apply for funding to pay Open Access Fees page.

The Library currently has a Transitional open access publishing agreement with Sage Publishing. 

This agreement covers all accepted papers in hybrid journal titles.

When submitting a paper to Sage Publishing you should use your university email address and list Queen Mary University of London as your affiliated institution. The corresponding author on the paper must be currently affiliated to Queen Mary University of London to publish with this agreement. If eligible the publisher will contact the Library for open access approval.

If you are publishing in a fully open access Sage Journal you can apply to have the open access fees paid if funded by the following research funding organisations:

Arts and Humanities Research Council
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Economic and Social Research Council
Innovate UK
Medical Research Council
Natural Environment Research Council
Research England
Science and Technology Facilities Council

British Heart Foundation
Cancer Research UK
Wellcome Trust

If you are looking to publish with this publisher and want to make your paper open access please fill in our Open Access Request Form prior to submitting your paper to ensure you are eligible for support with the open access fees.

For more information about applying for funding please see our Apply for funding to pay Open Access Fees page.

The Library currently has an open access publishing agreement with SCOAP3 that automatically makes articles on high energy physics submitted to the journals listed below, open access; irrespective of research funding.

There are two routes to publishing under the SCOAP3 agreement:

Journals Partially Covered by SCOAP3

Acta Physica Polonica B
Advances in High Energy Physics
Chinese Physics C
Physical Review C
Physical Review D
Physical Review Letters
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics

For journals only partially covered, authors are required to submit their articles to with a primary category in high-energy physics, Experiment (hep-ex), Lattice (hep-lat), Phenomenology (hep-ph), or Theory (hep-th) ahead of the journal publication to be considered eligible for SCOAP3.

Journals Fully Covered by SCOAP3

The European Physical Journal C
The Journal of High Energy Physics
Nuclear Physics B
Physics Letters B

For these journals, all articles are automatically published Open Access independent​ of the scientific field. The library is not required to approve articles for publication. 

Articles published open access via the SCOAP3 agreement are considered to have met the open access policy requirements of the UKRI, Wellcome, NIHR, Cancer Research UK and British Heart Foundation.  

For more information about publishing via the SCOAP3 agreement please contact Open Research Services 


The Library currently has a Transitional open access publishing agreement with Springer Nature Publishing. 

This agreement covers the following eligible article types: Original paper, Review paper, Brief communication or Continuing education in hybrid journal titles across Springer and Nature titles.
Here is a link to the list of Springer titles covered by the agreement 
Here is a link to the list of Nature titles covered by the agreement

When submitting a paper to Springer Nature you must use your university email address and list Queen Mary University of London as your affiliated institution. The corresponding author on the paper must be currently affiliated to Queen Mary University of London to publish with this agreement. If eligible the publisher will contact the Library for open access approval.

If you are publishing in a fully open access Springer Nature Journal you can apply to have the open access fees paid if funded by the following research funding organisations:

Arts and Humanities Research Council
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Economic and Social Research Council
Innovate UK
Medical Research Council
Natural Environment Research Council
Research England
Science and Technology Facilities Council

British Heart Foundation
Cancer Research UK
Wellcome Trust

If you are looking to publish with this publisher and want to make your paper open access please fill in our Open Access Request Form prior to submitting your paper to ensure you are eligible for support with the open access fees.

It you have any questions about publishing please contact Open Research Services

The Library currently has a Transitional open access publishing agreement with Taylor & Francis Publishing.

Article types supported by this agreement are:
Research Article, Review Article, Article Commentary, Brief Report, Case Report, Rapid Communication, Registered Report, Report, Research Letter, Target Article

A full list of the titles covered by this agreement can be seen on the Taylor & Francis Open Select page.

When submitting a paper to Taylor & Francis you must use your university email address and list Queen Mary University of London as your affiliated institution. The corresponding author on the paper must be currently affiliated to Queen Mary University of London to publish with this agreement. If eligible the publisher will contact the Library for open access approval.

Taylor & Francis also publish a number of Society publications. These societies often charge additional publication fees that the library cannot pay for and will need to be met by you even if the open access fees are covered by our agreement.

If you are looking to publish with this publisher and want to make your paper open access please fill in our Open Access Request Form prior to submitting your paper to ensure you are eligible for support with the open access fees.

It you have any questions about publishing please contact Open Research Services

The Library currently has a Transitional open access publishing agreement with Wiley Publishing.

Only outputs of the following type are supported under this agreement:
Research Article, Review Article, Case Study, Commentary, Data Article, Method and Protocol, Perspective, Practice and Policy, Rapid Publication, Short Communication, Technical Note

When submitting a paper to Wiley Publishing you should use your university email address and list Queen Mary University of London as your affiliated institution. The corresponding author on the paper must be currently affiliated to Queen Mary University of London to publish with this agreement. If eligible the publisher will contact the Library for open access approval.

Society Publishers

Wiley also publish a number of Society publications. These societies often charge additional publication fees that the library cannot pay for and will need to be met by you even if the open access fees are covered by our agreement.

If you are looking to publish with this publisher and want to make your paper open access please fill in our Open Access Request Form prior to submitting your paper to ensure you are eligible for support with the open access fees.

It you have any questions about publishing please contact Open Research Services


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