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School of Geography

Jacob Stringer


PhD student



Research interests: Social movements, renters unions, housing, participatory methods, political narratives, political strategy


PhD project

Title: Housing Stories: the production of political narratives in a renters union


This project will propose political narratives – stories with collective subjects and social change as the theme – as an important lens through which to view social movements and some of their dynamics and strategic choices, and will examine the development of narratives in a social movement organisation through militant research methods. Examining the development of narratives is one way of maintaining a focus on the agency of the participants in social movements. It is also a way of paying attention to the embeddedness of social movement thinking/acting - how we see the world in wider cultural and ideological landscapes, and how we might develop ideas about housing justice within lives of meaning, within relationships, and within wider stories of where society is headed.

Academic background:

  • MRes Geography, Queen Mary University of London
  • MSc Social and Political Theory, Edinburgh
  • BSc Physics, Imperial College London


Supervisors: Dr Sam Halvorsen, Prof Jon May and Dr Elsa Noterman


Funding: LISS ESRC scholarship 1+3


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