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School of Geography

Home, identity and relatedness

The work of the group has also demonstrated the cultural and political significance of ideas and practices of belonging, origins and movement for urban diasporas (Alison Blunt, Olivia Sheringham), transnational experiences of institutional childcare (Claudia Soares) and performances of identity and racialisation (Azeezat Johnson). Long-standing research here has explored ideas of difference, relatedness and indigeneity within accounts of human genetic diversity at different scales (Catherine Nash), and addressed the intimate geographies of home past and present (Alison Blunt, Alastair Owens). Much of this work is conducted in partnership with the Museum of the Home via the Centre for Studies of Home and includes research on the home as a site of popular historical knowledge and practice (Catherine Nash, Alison Blunt, Alastair Owens), and on home-work relationships in London from the 17th century to the present day (Alison Blunt, Alastair Owens).

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