Dr Rupali Arora currently works as Lead Gynae-oncology Pathologist at University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. She has been actively involved in collaborative research in gynae-oncology since 2007. Her research interest is in gynae-oncology, specifically identifying biomarkers for early detection and prognostication of gynaecological cancers. Apart from her diagnostic work, she has helped to validate new immunohistochemical diagnostic and prognostic markers. During her sabbatical in the USA, she worked for nine months at the University of Southern California in the molecular pathology laboratory, trying to better understand the molecular pathways for various gynaecological cancers. Dr Arora has been the lead UCLH pathologist for a number of national and international trials, and has published in many journals including Nature Communications, Oncology, International Journal of Gynaecological Cancer, International Journal of Gynaecological Pathology and American Journal of Surgical Pathology."