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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Professor Paul Kelly, MA, MBBS, MD, FRCP


Professor of Tropical Gastroenterology

Centre: Immunobiology

Telephone: 020 7882 2643


Paul Kelly is Professor of Tropical Gastroenterology, Barts & The London School of Medicine, UK. He is also Honorary Lecturer, University of Zambia School of Medicine, Lusaka; and Honorary Senior Lecturer, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK. Professor Kelly was educated in Oxford and at The London Hospital; he is both clinically qualified and clinically active in the UK and in Zambia. 



Professor Paul Kelly is currently a Professor of Tropical Gastroenterology at Bart & The London, previously he was a Reader in Tropical Gastroenterology from 2003-2013.

He was also a Wellcome Trust senior Fellow in Zambia after completing research training with Professor Michael Farthing, where he developed an interest in tropical gasteroenterology. Prior to this he was a postgraduate in London following having been an undergraduate in London and previously in Oxford.






Masters, clinical trainee and PhD-level teaching
Topics for PhD supervision
  • Nutrients and intestinal host defence
  • Nutrients and oral vaccination
  • Epidemiology of intestinal infections in Africa


Research Interests:

My research interests encompass the interaction between enteropathy, infection (including cryptosporidiosis) and malnutrition, upper gastrointestinal cancers, hepatitis B and portal hypertension related to schistosomiasis. My work is translational, including observational and mechanistic studies and clinical trials.


Besa E, Chandwe K, Banda R, Munalula L, Kalomo L, Amadi B, Kelly P. Glucagon-like peptide 2 concentrations vary in Zambian children during diarrhoea, in malnutrition and seasonally. J Ped Gastroenterol Nutr 2020; 70; 513-520. doi: 10.1097/MPG.0000000000002633

Kayamba V, Butt J, Waterboer T, Besa E, Choudhry N, Hamasuku A, Julius P, Heimburger DC, Atadhzhanov M, Kelly P. Molecular profiling of gastric cancer in a population with high HIV prevalence reveals a shift to MLH1-loss but not the EBV subtype. Cancer Medicine 2020; 9: 3445–3454. doi: 10.1002/cam4.3001.

Liu T-C, VanBuskirk K, Ali A, Kelly P, Holtz LR, Yilmaz OH, Sadiq K, Iqbal N, Amadi B, Syed S, Ahmed T, Moore S, Ndao IM, Isaacs MH, Pfeifer JD, Atlas H, Tarr PI,  Denno DM, Moskaluk CA. A novel histological index for evaluation of environmental enteric dysfunction identifies geographic-specific features of enteropathy among children with suboptimal growth. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2020; 14: e0007975. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0007975.

Chama M, Amadi B, Chandwe K, Besa E, Zyambo K, Shaikh N, Ndao M, Tarr P, Storer C, Head R, Kelly P. Transcriptomic analysis of enteropathy in Zambian children with severe acute malnutrition. EBioMedicine 2019; 45: 456-463.

Louis-Auguste J, Besa E, Zyambo K, Munkombwe D, Banda R, Banda T, Watson A, Mayneris-Perxachs J, Swann J, Kelly P. Tryptophan, glutamine, leucine and micronutrient supplementation improve environmental enteropathy in Zambian adults: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Clin Nutr 2019; 110: 1240-1252. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqz189.



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