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School of Mathematical Sciences

Recent grant awards

Congratulations to Oscar Bandtlow, Wolfram Just, Rainer Klages, Vito Latora, Silvia Liverani, Anna Maltsev, Arick Shao, Sasha Sodin and Juan Valiente-Kroon on their recent grant successes! The total volume of research funding awarded to staff in the School of Mathematical Sciences since August 2014 is £7.5m.



Oscar Bandtlow and Wolfram Just were awarded an EPSRC Standard grant titled ‘Transfer operator methods for modelling high-frequency wave fields – advancements through modern functional and numerical analysis’.

Rainer Klages received funding by ONRG for a research grant titled ‘Advanced Search Strategies in Anomalous Dynamics: Models, Methods, Applications' and a workshop grant titled ‘Anomalous dynamics in complex systems: From chaos on nanoscales to search in biology’.

Vito Latora, in collaboration with Sabato Manfredi (University of Naples) received EPSRC ENCORE Network+ funding with the proposal ‘Dynamics and Resilience of Multilayer Cyber-Physical Social Systems’.

Silvia Liverani was awarded a research grant by the US Department of Agriculture for a proposal titled ‘Genetically-Informed Envirotyping Tools To Better Match Test And Target Environments’.

Anna Maltsev was awarded a Royal Society University Research Fellowship with a proposal titled ‘Spectral Universality for Random Matrices’.

Arick Shao has been funded by the EPSRC First grant scheme for a proposal titled ‘Unique Continuation for Geometric Wave Equations, and Applications to Relativity, Holography, and Controllability’.

Sasha Sodin received the Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award with the proposal ‘Spectral properties of random operators and random matrices’ and also attracted LMS funding that will be used to organise the conference 'A random event in honour of Ilya Goldsheid's 70th birthday' in December 2017 at QMUL.

Juan Valiente-Kroon received an LMS Research in pairs award for the visit of Dr Hildith.

Oscar Bandtlow and Arick Shao have also been awarded a studentship, each funded by the Faculty under the Research Support Fund Scheme.

Overall the School has made significant progress in securing external research funding over the last three years!




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