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Our first EVOluTION workshop in Maastricht was a success!


The innaugral EVOluTION scientific workshop and transferable skills training event was held in Maastricht, the Netherlands from the 18th – 20th of January, 2017. The workshop, entitled “Dietary Impact on Health”  trained ESRS on the opportunities that nutraceuticals hold for the control of widespread, common diseases. This was the first opportunity for all the ESRs and Supervisors to meet each other and the event proved to be incredibly useful and  informative. As this was the first gathering of all the ESRs, each student gave a short presentation on their proposed project in the style of a TedX talk. Some of them can be viewed here.

If you would like to read more about what the students thought of their first event then you can download Silvia and Laura's article: Starting our PhD Journey with EVOluTION: The Maastricht Workshop [PDF 11,794KB]



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